the problem with "ungrateful" actresses 🙄


Комментарии • 2,8 тыс.

  • @kateb2643
    @kateb2643 Год назад +7661

    Jenna Ortega was RIGHT. That show felt like it was written by people who only skimmed the Addams Family shows and movies and maybe read the wiki page, then decided to repackage it as an addition to the cookie cutter teen paranormal drama format. I miss shows being genuinely weird from time to time...

    • @NoelleTakestheSky
      @NoelleTakestheSky Год назад +226

      Weirdness is treated like something offensive now.

    • @socialanxietydora4112
      @socialanxietydora4112 Год назад +92

      I’m glad they made her producer

    • @TalkAsSoftAsChalk
      @TalkAsSoftAsChalk Год назад +238

      I honestly felt like it didn't even feel like a Tim Burton project. If anyone can do weird it's him so it's specially trash for him to to make something so half-assed.

    • @basicbaroque
      @basicbaroque Год назад +103

      It felt like a rushed script written the night before its due date. Not sure why people were mad, when they obviously didn't put that much effort into it.

    • @Misora7303
      @Misora7303 Год назад +105

      Jenna really did her damndest to make it work in the most bland writing one could get

  • @Toribell1928
    @Toribell1928 Год назад +8543

    The Jenna Ortega thing is so ridiculous because the example she gave of Wednesday being out of character WAS out of character!! I feel like she just helped them avoid the extreme fanfic- ification or riverdale treatment of Wednesday and they should honestly be thanking her🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @Valentine-pm3kb
      @Valentine-pm3kb Год назад +309

      and unfortunately it still gave riverdale 😭 im a huge jenna fan so i basically watch anything she’s in but i had to quit wednesday half way through

    • @ganasde65
      @ganasde65 Год назад +218

      Weirdly people who hate rachel zegler will use jenna as the "good" example of a young actress - they even spread rumors Jenna was replacing her in snow white. But if Jenna even stepped out of line slightly you know theyd turn on her

    • @lenastorm6280
      @lenastorm6280 Год назад +6


    • @Maialeen
      @Maialeen Год назад +123

      @Valentine-pm3kb Yes. I know Wednesday was a huge hit. People can like whatever they want, of course. It's just NOT the Addams Family. Not only the plot, but all of them look like they're dressing like the family for Halloween. Everything is just I'm also annoyed by Tim Burton saying that the casting for Gomez was like this because he wanted to be true to the original comics. I'm like... my guy, if you wanted to be true to the comics you would have cast a strange looking actress for Morticia too. But no, Morticia is played by a beautiful woman and Gomez is an absolute troll. As always, a beautiful woman cast with an ugly man. Male directors do it deliberately.

    • @universedonut159
      @universedonut159 Год назад +4


  • @trinaq
    @trinaq Год назад +13236

    Even Jenna thought that the love triangle between Wednesday, Xavier and Tyler was completely unnecessary, and that Wednesday should simply continue being her awesome, single self. It disgusts me that she's being bullied by a 60 year old man for simply doing her job.

    • @kamsismith
      @kamsismith Год назад +71

      I think you meant unnecessary.

    • @katherinealvarez9216
      @katherinealvarez9216 Год назад +745

      It’s like that one meme. “Why are you booing her? She’s right!”
      And even if she wasn’t, she’s allowed to express her opinion on the show she’s on.

    • @MMLynnmarie
      @MMLynnmarie Год назад +614

      The writers were mad that she was right. That her changes helped the show. Bruised their egos.

    • @oohgs_0h
      @oohgs_0h Год назад +337

      seeing her cry in her actors on actors video was so sad, really reminds you how young she and other actors/actresses her age are when dealing with being a public figure.

    • @halane4790
      @halane4790 Год назад +148

      I agree with her, and I think she was right to speak up and fight for her vision of the character even if she didn’t win all battles. But in my opinion it was a bit unprofessional to throw the writers under the bus publicly in that way. There is a difference between bringing something up privately and doing so publicly. That said, it is nothing major and she is very young and not used to the big public attention, it is certainly hard to adjust to that.

  • @f1lmzie
    @f1lmzie Год назад +1403

    I think heigel’s downfall was so cruel. It was just her opinion, and it was a good perspective, one that a lot of us would agree with nowadays. And the producers/directors bullied her out of her success because they couldn’t take the constructive criticism for creating the film outside of a woman’s perspective

    • @lysirishfleur3030
      @lysirishfleur3030 Год назад +37

      In reality I agreed with what she said about "Knocked-Up".
      However, her comment about Grey's Anatomy was inappropriate and extremely insulting and disrespectful.

    • @CCEkeke
      @CCEkeke 6 месяцев назад +39

      @@lysirishfleur3030 She wasn't wrong about Knocked-Up but it was the wording. She called the movie sexist, in short calling its director (who was very powerful back then) sexist. If she had just kept her comments to wishing her character wasn't such a killjoy and more fun-loving like the guys, Heigl would've been okay. Hollywood is about relationships and egos, and she made the mistake of offending the people who made her big on films AND TV.

    • @declaracionespolemicas
      @declaracionespolemicas 3 месяца назад +17

      ​@@lysirishfleur3030 Wait, how? Am I missing something about what she said about Grey's Anatomy, because if it was about Izzie's storyline having an affair with George, I 100% agree with her. They ruined her character just to add unnecessary drama.

    • @dershi786
      @dershi786 2 месяца назад +5

      I had never heard of her until I watched this video and honestly, I'm quite pissed for her sake. I wish she had stood on what she was saying at first. It was a literary critique of a character that she played. And the producers/directors took it personally. Even their rebuttal to what she said was basically, "Uh what is she even talking about? That guy writes good female characters." Ok, and? This character is behaving unnaturally. Because she didn't stand on her opinions most of the time, she was looked at as entitled. The most hilarious one is the working hours one because you'd think the others in the crew would support her. But they were so used to it they didn't even register that there could be a better alternative. Quite sad to hear about because society's critical thinking has sunk even lower since then

    • @dershi786
      @dershi786 2 месяца назад

      Tbf, i do think she was a bit bad at presenting her points sometimes.

  • @ughIdontwantto
    @ughIdontwantto Год назад +461

    Aunt Viv wanted everyone to ask for a bigger paycheck because they deserved it as they were one of THE biggest shows at the time and got paid nowhere near what FRIENDS did, which came after them.

    • @ughIdontwantto
      @ughIdontwantto Год назад +70

      will refused and acted like an immature child. she was an adult fighting for everyone's rights

    • @monovatherealest
      @monovatherealest Год назад +53

      actors like her advocated for the very thing SAG AFTRA demanded in the most recent actors x writers strike and she was ignored and blackballed

    • @JrueThrondsen
      @JrueThrondsen 8 месяцев назад +19

      ​@@monovatherealest because of Will Smith the most. That's why he is annoying now showing his true colors.

    • @JuliaH-c6f
      @JuliaH-c6f 7 месяцев назад +16

      "The first Aunt Viv was the best Aunt Viv." Saw this in a book I read and now I understand it better.

    • @NeyamRye
      @NeyamRye 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @catherinejay3851
    @catherinejay3851 Год назад +5536

    So when Matthew Perry was against chandler cheating on Monica, it's seen as sweet. but when Katherine Heigl is against her character cheating in general she's seen as criticising the show?

    • @DSQueenie
      @DSQueenie Год назад +167

      Was Mathew Perry open about objecting to that storyline when it was on the air or did his objection only come out after the fact? Because that is a key difference I think.

    • Год назад +131

      Exactly. Also RIP Matthew Perry. We miss you.

    • @anotherhuman3221
      @anotherhuman3221 Год назад +78

      I don't think there should be a difference, actors make media that can be interpreted as an extension of their views (not saying it is right and I don't mean movies about murderers etc).
      If we take away the freedom to speak out about the making of said media and being able to disagree with parts of it. That would be censorship

    • @DSQueenie
      @DSQueenie Год назад +40

      @@anotherhuman3221 anyone can say anything they like but they should be prepared to accept the consequences when the people they are criticising are upset and their colleagues don’t want to work with them. Hollywood is a small business with fragile egos.
      Actors should speak up but when it’s about creative choices the time to speak up is either when they are filming or years after the film or show has been released - not during the press tour! It’s unprofessional if you are a man or woman.

    • @LiteraryChic
      @LiteraryChic Год назад +47

      @@DSQueenieisn’t it also “unprofessional” to say all interviews are just the same 8 questions?
      I mean, she is right that cheating is over used and disgusting. Just used for shock value and entertainment even if it goes against a character.
      For example, if the writers suddenly had Ned Stark cheating the day before he was executed, would it be wrong for Sean to say, yeah that was a dumb choice…?!
      Because actors are the embodiment of the character and characters should follow logical progression (unless the writers just want drama for the sake of drama and don’t care about plot).
      I mean… have you *seen* Grey’s Anatomy? It’s a train wreck.

  • @MinisDunyasi5
    @MinisDunyasi5 Год назад +5317

    The media was unnecessarily harsh on Millie Bobby Brown. She was a kid when she started and interviews were new to her. She wasn’t even being rude in the interviews. She was bursting with excitement and was being herself. She didn’t deserve the backlash or the online harassment for being an excited kid.

    • @Cheliabee
      @Cheliabee Год назад +170

      I can't be the only one who finds the Millie Bobby Brown homophobia jokes to be extremely weird, especially considering that those jokes started when she was like 14-15.

    • @yippedoodah
      @yippedoodah Год назад +233

      Cara isn't "excited enough" but when Millie is, she's "showboating." It's that speech from The Barbie Movie all over again.

    • @MinisDunyasi5
      @MinisDunyasi5 Год назад +131

      @@yippedoodah No matter how actresses act, the media will always find something to judge them.

    • @margesantos36
      @margesantos36 Год назад +23

      I agree that she's just a kid. However, how old were her co-stars? Did they behave that way? Okay okay so they were young GUYS! How about when Sadie joined the group, what was her behavior like and how old was she? Just wondering.

    • @LBVED
      @LBVED Год назад +6

      i feel so bad also with all the memes about her

  • @Toribell1928
    @Toribell1928 Год назад +3578

    Just want to say Katherine Heigl handled all of this amazingly and is right about everything she said. Not surprising that she didn’t get the appropriate support but she really deserved it. Honestly any female actor that doesn’t just smile and say everything’s fine is always criticized even though the majority of the time, they care even more than their male coworkers

    • @grimnar6725
      @grimnar6725 Год назад

      No. She wasn't right about everything and she deserved the pushback. Had she said, I was playing such a bitch. It made it unfun for me at times. It would have gone down alot differently. But what she said was that women as a whole were portrayed negatively in the movie and made it about writing and directing choices that unfairly attacked her coworkers as being sexist just because she didn't really like the character she was hired to play. As an actor, unless you're a huge one like will smith or tom cruise or Julia Roberts in their haydays, you don't really get to tell the writers how to write. It makes you a bitch, and ungrateful. She got exactly what she deserved for getting too big for her britches too soon in her career. Just like Rachel Ziegler, Brie Larsen, and Shia LaBeouf.

    • @MMLynnmarie
      @MMLynnmarie Год назад +85

      She may have had a point but there's a way to say those things or say them behind closed doors. Think she got all the backlash to get her to shut up and be humble.

    • @grimnar6725
      @grimnar6725 Год назад +15

      ​@@MMLynnmarie I could agree with that

    • @watermelonlover745
      @watermelonlover745 Год назад +68

      ​@@MMLynnmarieI've always thought that they did her dirty and that she had major star power

    • @chikari123
      @chikari123 Год назад +180

      @@MMLynnmarieHumble herself for what? What did she do?? Y’all are so annoying 😭

  • @mirithilrose54
    @mirithilrose54 Год назад +510

    Katherine Heigl took herself out of the run because she thought her role was mediocre and it didn't deserve a trophy? And she preferred another woman to win? How dare she?!?!?!

    • @voiceofraisin3778
      @voiceofraisin3778 10 месяцев назад +20

      It was definitely arrogant and insulting. First it implies shes not only going to get the noomination but shes likely to win despite the script being mediocre.
      Its insulting to her show and the writers, who want the nomination for publicity.
      Its insulting to all the 'lesser' actresses who now have a chance to win now shes given it over as charity.
      Its definitely insulting to the academy and its voters.
      Rule number 1 of Hollywood. Thou shalt not hurt the productions reputation and profits unless thou art related to a senior executive, have blackmail material on a senior executive or are the sole named star for thy role is replaceable.

    • @TheLakeMorgan
      @TheLakeMorgan 6 месяцев назад +16

      @@voiceofraisin3778Seek therapy, no one cares

    • @jenniferbond7073
      @jenniferbond7073 5 месяцев назад +11

      The problem was she insulted the script, not her acting, is she had said my acting did not deserve the nomination that might have been taken differently. But she said the material, which was definitely an insult to the writers and the show runner.

    • @aaliyahstark7948
      @aaliyahstark7948 3 месяца назад +15

      @@jenniferbond7073if the script is bad the script is bad

    • @declaracionespolemicas
      @declaracionespolemicas 3 месяца назад +3

      ​@@voiceofraisin3778 You clearly take nominations for Emmy's and the "academy" way too seriously.

  • @citrinestone
    @citrinestone Год назад +419

    I feel so bad for jenna ortega because she made such a good Wednesday but i couldnt watch the show specifically because of the reasoms she gave. She clearly had the best understanding of the character out of anyone working there.
    ....AND ANOTHER THING. The constant digs at Gomez and Morticia? Morticia pressuring Wednesday to fit in and fill her shoes? What family do they think theyre writing???

    • @thunderclancat123
      @thunderclancat123 3 месяца назад +30

      Right?? There was a scene where one of the boys in the love triangle say "You keep giving me mixed signals" Mixed signals? She barely even looks at you, only speaks to you when she needs something, and is very blunt in how much she doesn't care about you... what. The love triangle was definitely the worst part of the show. If they had cut all of it out, or maybe made it more of a one sided crush (with just one guy) it would've been more successful. But all that time put towards the romance could've been better used for the rest of the plot that was actually interesting

  • @jesserivera2043
    @jesserivera2043 Год назад +3078

    I find it ironic that women being written lately as quirky, independent, and assertive are celebrated and in some cases groundbreaking, but women who conduct themselves that way in real life are condemned

    • @lysirishfleur3030
      @lysirishfleur3030 Год назад +111

      IRL the words they use are "b*tch, miserable, etc".

    • @nicepenguin0875
      @nicepenguin0875 Год назад +20


    • @Rootiga
      @Rootiga 8 месяцев назад +5

      own worst enemies

    • @dolapo5179
      @dolapo5179 8 месяцев назад +32

      Truthfully the women who are written that way are also condemned. There's no winning. Not even a hint of it

    • @commanderponds8308
      @commanderponds8308 7 месяцев назад

      It’s because no one actually likes arrogant women

  • @MyssBlewm
    @MyssBlewm Год назад +6663

    Speaking of Robert Pattionson and Twilight, it was not lost on me at all that while the public at large found Robert Pattionson's opinions on Twilight charming, Kristen Stewart was given the the "ungrateful" title with her talent called into question. If ever we need to ask if men and women are treated the same...

    • @NoelleTakestheSky
      @NoelleTakestheSky Год назад

      I don’t recall Kristen speaking against her character, but if she ever did, GOOD. Bella and Edward are terrible characters written by a perverted middle-aged woman who gets off on dreams about teenagers and who sees nothing wrong with magically sexually pairing babies with teens who will then be tasked with grooming them until they’re pseudo-legally fuckable.

    • @colbystearns5238
      @colbystearns5238 Год назад +206

      @K.C-2049 Yeah it seems like it was easier for Robert Pattinson to get new roles after Twilight (at least ones I've heard about and enjoyed like The Lighthouse, last year's Batman and even the English dub for Hayao Miyazaki's new film) than Kristen Stewart. I haven't really heard much from her lately except for the Princess Diana movie she did a few years ago and I also really liked.

    • @msk-qp6fn
      @msk-qp6fn Год назад +65

      Funny cuz everyone i knew hate loved both rob and kris for their hate for the characters they played because we all despised the twilight books

    • @Saukingalpha
      @Saukingalpha Год назад +44

      Except that Kristen was a characterless cheater

    • @elatafalando
      @elatafalando Год назад +223

      ​​​@@Saukingalphathis has nothing to do with the debate. See how misogyny works?

  • @SamasBananas1
    @SamasBananas1 Год назад +3675

    That letter about Megan Fox was SO incredibly sexist it legit msde my jaw drop

    • @Mondscheinstaub
      @Mondscheinstaub Год назад +348

      People sometimes have a hard time understanding how rampant sexism and misogyny were back in the 2000s and early 2010s in the public media. It‘s still very bad, but it‘s hardly a match to what we were confronted with back then.

    • @cherrycake44
      @cherrycake44 Год назад +15

      The comment about 'being a pornstar in the future might be a good career option' was genuinely WILD

    • @tinawang367
      @tinawang367 Год назад +27

      SAME!! WTF

    • @runway5338
      @runway5338 Год назад +303

      When they started saying that she should be a porn star, omfg that was such an atrocious statement. You just know they have disgusting conversations about her. And yet, Megan was the one dubbed "unprofessional?" That's workplace harassment.

    • @LiteraryChic
      @LiteraryChic Год назад +162

      @@cherrycake44and the people who wrote it genuinely thought it was a “sick burn”
      Like, bro. It shows she was right about the awful work environment lmao

  • @claudiabcarvalho
    @claudiabcarvalho Год назад +1181

    As a woman, I learned you have to sugarcoat EVERY critique you make, and make sure you don't sound angry - or else, you're a threat.

    • @kdmac8110
      @kdmac8110 Год назад +85

      @@sauronthedeceiver3363that's funny, because my father booms naturally too-- but the men he works with (as an ATTORNEY) are all for it. He cusses, makes shitty jokes, and booms all he wants. The men eat it up, the women tolerate it. And I see that dynamic everywhere I go- rarely do I see a reversal of it. Men thunder their way through all kinds of interactions regardless of the intimidation they generate and get by unscathed.
      Maybe your dad is just a considerate person.

    • @kdmac8110
      @kdmac8110 Год назад

      @@sauronthedeceiver3363also. Comparing human decency to living deliberately impaired is WILD

    • @toxiczombiewolf5692
      @toxiczombiewolf5692 Год назад +50

      As I grew into a woman I learnt to not give a single fuck about what men thi k about me. As I'm being me and if that's such a problem then they ain't meant to stay in my life. Oh boy I've had some expirences

    • @MK-gv1wd
      @MK-gv1wd Год назад +64

      At my old job I got in trouble all the time for being a “know it all” or being difficult because I had done the job longer than everyone else. When I gave notice and moved to a new job, the bosses couldn’t contain their glee. Now they are contacting me on a regular basis because they realized I actually DID know more than them…. It’s fascinating.

    • @Rootiga
      @Rootiga 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@MK-gv1wd nice fan faction, too bad its just a story

  • @danikahholdman2609
    @danikahholdman2609 Год назад +61

    Whether true or not, Will Smith going around bad mouthing her was not classy at all. It’s a far cry from the unproblematic image he had pre-slap. I loved both aunt Vivs but I thought the first aunt Viv was infinitely funnier.
    I also think we as fans need to look inward about why we like outspoken, confident men with egos but not outspoken, confident women with egos. I think that scene in the Barbie movie where America Ferrara lays it all out sums it up perfectly. You’ve got to be confident but non threatening. You’ve got to be smart but you can’t show it. You’ve got to be beautiful but you’re not supposed to know it. You’re supposed to be accomplished but you can’t exercise your authority and expertise that comes from those accomplishments. It’s exhausting.

  • @trinaq
    @trinaq Год назад +7131

    Millie was only acting like herself in the interviews, and she didn't deserve to be ridiculed for acting the way a regular twelve year old girl normally behaves. It's so stressful to grow up in the public eye, and having complete strangers scrutinise your every single move.

    • @kamsismith
      @kamsismith Год назад +315

      I feel bad for Millie. Being a child is hard, but being a child where the whole world is watching is terrifying. Look at Britney Spears and other child stars from other eras(actors and/or singers).

    • @growingupwithdisney
      @growingupwithdisney Год назад +119

      Millie did interrupt the others A LOT though. But most of the time, what she had to say was a lot more interesting and funnier (no offense to the others)🙈I love her interviews more

    • @elistari1050
      @elistari1050 Год назад +153

      Again; she was a child. You were no better at that age, I can guarantee that. And IF by some chance you were; most people aren't and weren't any better behaved. Most of her time in the spotlight has been as a child, of course a 12 year old isn't emotionally mature.

    • @sighcantthinkofaname
      @sighcantthinkofaname Год назад +184

      I remember being 12, and knowing I was talking A LOT, and feeling like I was physically unable to stop. Sometimes it's just nervous energy, or difficulty with impulse control, or even excitement about a topic. It's so normal! I don't know what people were expecting!

    • @no.6377
      @no.6377 Год назад +106

      @@growingupwithdisney she was literal child so interrupting people "a lot"( I didn't see this) did not warrant the kind of vitriol adults threw at her.

  • @trinaq
    @trinaq Год назад +2636

    I feel awful for many of these actresses, especially Constance Wu. As Tessa stated, she was under no obligation to comply with the demands of the public, and she naturally wanted to move on after being on a sitcom for six years. I had no idea that the backlash led to her to attempt to take her own life. I'm glad that she seems to be doing better emotionally now.

    • @user-iq5gw5ph3c
      @user-iq5gw5ph3c Год назад +140

      also i do remember reading somewhere that the fifth season was supposed to be the last one so when the sixth season got confirmed she was upset as they already wrapped the story and there is nothing more to add though i don't know if this is real or not

    • @TalkAsSoftAsChalk
      @TalkAsSoftAsChalk Год назад +177

      I specially felt terrible for her after I found out that she was abused on that show. I too would want to move from something that led to so much pain in my life. And then to be bullied about being "ungrateful" by thousands of people must have been terrible.

    • @BrendaGarcia-ty2ml
      @BrendaGarcia-ty2ml Год назад +31

      I think what’s missing for me though is that us regular folk cannot act like that. If a contract in a project I didn’t like get extended at work, I would be fired for tweeting something like that. Sometimes women do have unprofessional meltdowns - but it’s justified because todays brand of feminism is “I support women’s rights, and women’s wrongs.” I do think women get more flack for complaining compared to men, but we can’t pretend like the way they complain is ok. Daniel Radcliffe never said any tone deaf, or threw digs at HP - he just went on to do silly cool projects without complaining that the world isn’t seeing his potential. Reality check for all these actresses: almost no one on earth gets to see their full potential under capitalism. We’re all stuck in certain jobs for health care, so you complaining about your artistic potential is tone death, and yes, it’s insulting to all the people employed on the shows you complain about. Don’t you think the writers or camera operators want to show to be renewed to feed their families for a couple more reliable years?

    • @TheMaryweather
      @TheMaryweather Год назад

      ​@@BrendaGarcia-ty2ml Bingo.

    • @rahbeeuh
      @rahbeeuh Год назад +1

      @trinaq greetings... season's greetings, Trina! Hope all is well.

  • @Bene_Gesserit
    @Bene_Gesserit Год назад +3307

    There are COUNTLESS of male actors, from different generations who could not make it any more obvious on interviews that they don't give a flying F about their roles and projects and they are perceived as cool, chill, an actor who does not take himself too seriously. It's beyond infuriating that actresses, especially newcomers and young ones, on the other hand literally have to show eternal, undying gratefulness and love for the roles they auditioned for and booked. It's such a joke.

    • @boozy638
      @boozy638 Год назад +113

      Like Pattinson in twilight.

    • @braingirl9112
      @braingirl9112 Год назад +106

      ​@@mikejunior211No, I remember interviews he did while promoting the movie where he talked about twilight negatively

    • @katgreer6113
      @katgreer6113 Год назад +161

      @@mikejunior211 there was no backlash because he's a man. He constantly openly showed his dislike for the role while the movies were going on. I like him a lot, but I also like these actresses a lot too. Women constantly get the backhand slap for doing the exact same thing men do.

    • @cosmicspark6772
      @cosmicspark6772 Год назад +105

      @@mikejunior211rachel zegler did nothing wrong by saying snow white is outdated. it is. obviously.

    • @evasdorling7555
      @evasdorling7555 Год назад +34

      ​@mikejunior211 i like Rob P, literally my only Hollywood make crush since childhood. But that man was expressing his dislike throughout the whole franchise promotion and its peak. He actually later on, after he finished playing Edward, expressed gratitude or some appreciation towards Twilight, at least the 1st one, saying something like it's stupid to be hating on Twilight nowdays and that the it's a camp movie.

  • @ginime_
    @ginime_ Год назад +46

    It's wild that people criticize actors/celebrities for not speaking up about uncomfortable work environments, for not using their influence to spur change, then turn around and call women ungrateful when they do say something.
    And as a woman who has zero public presence, something similar (though on a smaller scale) happens to us all the time. Me: That situation felt off. I think we can do better next time. A man (sometimes also woman): No, you just misinterpreted your experience. It's fine.

  • @athena450
    @athena450 Год назад +210

    One of my biggest takeaways from this is that in so many of these cases - especially MBB, Constance Wu, Megan Fox, Katherine Heigl, Jenna Ortega - a lot of these women are simply being candid and voicing their real thoughts and experiences with their projects. The outrage against them feeds into this idea that actresses basically just need to look pretty and say the line - and yet the one example in this of a young actress doing just that (Rachel Zegler) faced HUGE backlash. Actresses aren't taken seriously as creatives or as professionals with thoughts and opinions on the creative or business aspects of the job they're in. And women generally aren't allowed to express frustrations without being called 'spoilt', 'bratty' or 'nags'.

    • @svetlanaandrasova6086
      @svetlanaandrasova6086 6 месяцев назад +12

      Im a nurse and when I was working at a hospital, i had similar experience. During meeting I was some criticism towards equipment,that its old and outdated etc. Few days later I heard gossip about myself how I was "complaining and shouting" during meeting. I wasnt shouting at all. And those werent complains those were geniuous concerns. But as soon as a male and a doctor said the same things, I heard about how kind he is and how he cares about patients because he wants modern equipment.

    • @chelyvi7466
      @chelyvi7466 3 месяца назад +1

      Omg...what did I just read?...are you really defending Rachel's attitude?

    • @athena450
      @athena450 3 месяца назад +3

      @@chelyvi7466 yes

    • @chelyvi7466
      @chelyvi7466 3 месяца назад

      @@athena450 Then you don't know everything she has said or you don't want to accept she deserve the hate.
      But I am not like her, so eventhough I don't know you I wish you can find peace, even if you like certain incomprehensible things.
      Good day.

    • @athena450
      @athena450 3 месяца назад +5

      @@chelyvi7466 or maybe... I'm an adult with a sense of perspective

  • @maulicule
    @maulicule Год назад +690

    I think what happened with Cara is that she was fortunate enough to be in a film with a co-stars who defended her. Male co-stars that is. Them defending her prevented the massive hate train the other actresses suffered.

  • @amandascott2705
    @amandascott2705 Год назад +1393

    Katherine Heigl said everything any one of us would have said about her roles. It is awful that her candidness was shamed, she was never disrespectful to the projects themselves.

    • @AleiahPrice
      @AleiahPrice Год назад +57

      Knocked up shouldn’t have made it into a script much less a movie

    • @valentinaacquafresca1758
      @valentinaacquafresca1758 Год назад +79

      It’s a double standard for me, cause in the case of Robert Pattinson (that said even more “evil” things about twilight) everyone was like “oh so funny” but in her case they were so harsh

    • @soleil7259
      @soleil7259 Год назад +62

      Seth Rogan is also really a hypocrite. When the things came out about that other actor James Franco, he went: Women should be respected and have a voice. But then he says he feels betrayed by Katherines comments (which are true, the movie was a mess)
      It just tells me, that she is most likely not that hard to work with on set (as they claim), for him to be surprised she would make those comments later.

    • @49er16
      @49er16 Год назад +3

      Katherine doesn't have roles anymore because she was known to be extremely rude to everyone she worked with.

    • @unknown.1043
      @unknown.1043 11 месяцев назад +15

      @@49er16 maybe it’s her coworkers who are usually being assholes towards her. Why is that not a possibility?

  • @CourtneyAbigail
    @CourtneyAbigail Год назад +1304

    This has completely changed my opinion of Katherine Heigl. I just accepted what I read in the media when I was younger and never really thought about it critically. The fact people turned against her for what she said about Knocked Up (which I completely agree with) and for expecting equal treatment on a show where she is clearly a valued character is mad. I've always found Judd Apatow's work a bit slimy as well. I feel like he has some sort of weird vendetta against women and I don't really get why his films are so popular tbh. Knowing that I actively disliked 4 of the actresses in this video for the reasons mentioned is embarrassing...

    • @ellebee4112
      @ellebee4112 Год назад +215

      But it takes bravery to admit that! Self reflection is hard. None of us want to admit we’ve been culpable or complicit with systemic misogyny or racism etc. but we have to sit in that uncomfortable space in order to learn and grow and be better. As a huge fan of Grey’s and Shonda Rhimes at the time, I felt similarly about Katherine Heigl then. I was wrong. It’s ok to admit that. Thank you for sharing your comment.

    • @Mia_M
      @Mia_M Год назад +31

      I think with Katherine is that there's also a time and place to say those things. As much as it sucks, we can't just say what we want without repercussions. She may have had valid points, but I would've never aired my feelings about them so publicly. People have lost their jobs for saying less (which while wrong, still happens).

    • @passiveaggresivesquirrel2052
      @passiveaggresivesquirrel2052 Год назад +80

      @@Mia_M that time and place being when and where? 10 years after the movie is made? 20?

    • @madisonweber2480
      @madisonweber2480 Год назад +37

      I remember at the time thinking she wasn't wrong about the knocked up comments, watching the movie it felt like her character was portrayed as an unreasonable nag when she was asking for the bare minimum from her partner. I still think the Emmy retraction was a bit tacky given the award isn't just about her but she seemed well intentioned about it

    • @Mia_M
      @Mia_M Год назад +6

      @@passiveaggresivesquirrel2052privately. That’s the time and place. I can’t just do and say whatever I want, otherwise it could cost me my job. Its fine to be dissatisfied but when you’re publicly airing that, what do you really expect to happen?

  • @LizzieHunterPaul
    @LizzieHunterPaul Год назад +327

    People think it's so funny that Robert Pattinson doesn't like Twilight or Daniel Craig isn't interested in James Bond. There's very little "ungrateful" discourse around their takes.

    • @casperryborg4869
      @casperryborg4869 Год назад +8

      The fact that you even said that about the Bond fan base shows that you never engaged with any of them.
      Every single fan of James Bond points out how Daniel Craig shits over their favorite IP, and almost every fan of the original vision of Bond dislikes Craig in general, simply because he doesn't play well.
      You very clearly cherry pick the few comments that back up your political view and willfully ignore the rest. Dishonest and useless.

    • @JrueThrondsen
      @JrueThrondsen 8 месяцев назад +12

      Yup. Guys are treated different.

    • @viChin0bi
      @viChin0bi 8 месяцев назад +7

      Just want to give credit when credit is due. No one took Robert Pattinson seriously as an actor after twilight… he had to prove himself with various indie films and even when he got the Batman role, no one believed he’d make a good Batman until they saw the movie or trailer.

    • @viChin0bi
      @viChin0bi 8 месяцев назад +2

      And to add to what I said, his female costar was getting way more movie lead roles after twilight. But she kinda blew up with that affair scandal but can back around when she said came out as gay.

    • @dhsf5937
      @dhsf5937 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@viChin0biTwilight was a curse and blessing to him.

  • @amyleah08
    @amyleah08 Год назад +103

    I do take issue with the new "Snow White" movie, but I honestly have most of the same issues with the other remakes Disney has done. All I want is another good Disney movie that has a heavy focus on romance (Pixar doesn't count). I feel like the recent Disney movies have been taking female characters and saying that they cant have any romance because they're women and HAVE TO be strong and independent and an amazing leader and never feel an ounce of romance. In my opinion, that's putting women in the same place the media is supposedly trying to avoid.
    I also wish that instead of making terrible remakes of their classic movies, they could take the same budget and actors and make good original films.

    • @walterfletcher8276
      @walterfletcher8276 3 месяца назад +3

      Hollywood hasn't had an original thought in many years. That's why they keep making the same movie over and over. How many remakes can you name? I think there are some movies that could benefit from the advancement in technology and makeup. But they usually change it to much.

  • @originaozz
    @originaozz Год назад +520

    Heigl 7:10 remarks about Knocked Up was exactly everything wrong with 2000s/2010s raunchy comedies. It's the reason why I kinda mostly hate female leads even if I enjoyed the movies because it's truly written to feed men's stereotypes by men. I don't know much about her drama then other than "difficult" part, but I find a lot things she said really shows how conscious and ahead of her time she is.

    • @Mondscheinstaub
      @Mondscheinstaub Год назад

      The female leads back then were either prudish frauds who fed the stereotype of desperately needing a man in the sheets or naive, quirky messes, who were supposedly in their late 20s acting like freaking emotionally unstable teenage girls. It was unbearable.

    • @kdmac8110
      @kdmac8110 Год назад +15

      I agree. I also loved her work on Greys, and I really respect that she withdrew her name for the award. Especially considering Sandra Oh hadn't won ANYTHING for it yet, and she carried the show

    • @alvafairchild13
      @alvafairchild13 6 месяцев назад +5

      Its the reason why i don't like raunchy cpmedies in general she's completely on point

    • @CrimsonMistress
      @CrimsonMistress 4 дня назад

      For real!!! My family is exhausted with me constantly calling things out for having micro-misogyny in them, but the other day we were watching Brother Bear 2 (not a blockbuster nor a raunchy comedy but stay with me) and I had such a problem with the “Moosettes” in the movie who swooned over the small, bare-minimum shit the Moose guys did, AND kept switching sides on who was more attractive because they did something “swoon-worthy”. I just watched it and kept thinking…is THIS what those writers think is funny? Fickle women who change up depending on which man is the ‘strongest’? I have never ever met a woman in real life that acts like that. If anything, it’s men who have more fickle crushes that are superficial. And it was in a children’s movie. Like, way to enforce harmful gender stereotypes at a young age, you a-holes.

  • @frostbite2119
    @frostbite2119 Год назад +2212

    Robert Pattinson has taken shots at his character as Edward Cullens in Twilight in pretty much every interview he's done for that movie and even insulted the book and author, but instead of being labeled as ungrateful and difficult just like these female actresses, he was praised and labeled as funny for his bluntness and honesty. The double standard is very real. If he can openly criticize his character and the writing without backlash, even if the movie made him lots of money, then why can't they?

    • @AS-jw5sk
      @AS-jw5sk Год назад +124

      Pretty sure the series he's hating on being "Twilight" helps a lot in that regard. It's popular to hate on Twilight after all. Something like Snow White, on the other hand, features a character that may not be the most beloved Disney princess ever, but did make many people's childhoods just the slightest bit happier. Snow white is entrenched in our childhoods and pleasant memories. People are always more defensive over sentimental things. All that being said, double standards are definitely at play too. But they're not the only reasons.

    • @frostbite2119
      @frostbite2119 Год назад +158

      @@AS-jw5sk I suppose, but the Twilight saga did jump-start his career, and it was extremely popular when it came out. Nobody knew who he was until Twilight, so I'd expect replies like "shouldn't you be grateful?", but that never happened. Being an attractive white male has its advantages. Also, I think it's easier to hate on something when you're just a regular person. I've seen people say what Rachel Zegler said about Snow White with many others agreeing, but no backlash was given, but when the feedback comes from a movie star, the actor or actress in question is a much easier target, but actors get a lot more grace.

    • @calyyygrazie8
      @calyyygrazie8 Год назад +74

      @@AS-jw5skget a grip! Snow White was definitely not one of the most beloved princess! Nobody ever talked about her until now!! You guys are mad because of the casting choices of the last two movies, be honest 🙄

    • @AS-jw5sk
      @AS-jw5sk Год назад +21

      @@calyyygrazie8 Listen... I couldn't care less about who plays Snow White. So I'm definitely not mad. I don't even watch Disney live action remakes. Nor did i like Twilight. This is simply something I'm stating because I have observed it. Nothing is ever simply because of just one reason. There are usually many factors involved. It's good for you that you seem to feel so strongly about this issue, but my mind is not occupied by it. I'm commenting because I came across this video and this comment and wanted to add my observations. I never said Snow White was one of the most beloved princesses( in my original comment, i stated, word for word, that Snow White "may not be one of the most beloved", reread what i wrote) I said that she forms a part of many people's childhood. Which she undeniably does. Whether loved or not, people get defensive over childhood memories. I'm not very sure fighting on the internet is going to result in any real change for any of these real world issues. Either way, today is Christmas day for us in this part of the world, so Merry Christmas and God bless you. Have a blessed day and new year ahead.

    • @AS-jw5sk
      @AS-jw5sk Год назад +14

      @@frostbite2119 I agree, actually. There are definitely double standards and sexism involved. I merely wanted to point out that in this particular case of Rob Pattinson, there are more factors involved.

  • @skyedeegirl
    @skyedeegirl Год назад +1563

    Katherine’s comments about knocked up are completely true….. she was ahead of her time.

    • @watermelonlover745
      @watermelonlover745 Год назад +129

      It's pretty obvious he degraded her in that movie

    • @tutyketdoll
      @tutyketdoll Год назад +7

      She improvised most of her lines

    • @the-berries-and-cream-dude
      @the-berries-and-cream-dude Год назад +119

      all those raunchy 2010 movies didn't age well. She was right in everything she said but for speaking up, she was shunned for it.

    • @Ironattheend
      @Ironattheend Год назад +89

      My husband had me watch that movie when I was pregnant because he was convinced it was "sweet". I angry cried A LOT (ah hormones) and we had a real talk about how differently women are shown on screen in comedies specifically, and the negative impacts of that in the real world. It was a great conversation, and I will never watch that movie again lol

    • @jeffersonhassan4558
      @jeffersonhassan4558 Год назад +11

      No one knows what this generation wants,I love that the video pointed it out especially when she said Disney is currently confused because back in the day, people were calling snow white and Cinderella terrible role models now they are great again?

  • @hollynotholy
    @hollynotholy Год назад +179

    I'm getting to a point in life that whenever I read about an actress being "difficult", I root FIERCELY for their success because 98% of the time the reasons why they're being deemed "difficult" are bullshit to begin with. Reading an interview with Sean Young and finding out why people deemed her "difficult" to work with in Blade Runner just opened my eyes so much I just can't take this label seriously anymore. They're not difficult, they're simply not ass kissers 100% of the time.

    • @SavedByGrace_CitizenEmperorユウ
      @SavedByGrace_CitizenEmperorユウ Год назад +15

      I am a fan of Brie Larson and you can guess what stuff I had to deal with, deliberately or not. You cannot ignore it all. When I told a friend of mine that I became a fan of Brie Larson, he repeated to me the rumour that Brie Larson was difficult to work with. This hasn't been confirmed and what does it even mean to be "difficult"? It can range from not agreeing with any decision to boycotting someone. I don't know Rachel Ziegler but I watched some video about her and I found her lovely although the video tried to paint her in a bad corner. It's always easier to believe that any celebrity is misbehaving than trying to see the big picture. From the horrible treatment of Brie Larson I have learned to not prejudge a celeb I don't know much if anything about.

    • @WoodwindBuddies
      @WoodwindBuddies 4 месяца назад +3

      I see people saying that Rachel Zegler’s career is dead and/or dying, and it makes me hope she succeeds even more.

  • @bakedpotato1717
    @bakedpotato1717 Год назад +141

    Imagine being that smooth-brained you call a child immature 💀

  • @Emilio-ju1sy
    @Emilio-ju1sy Год назад +5816

    Damn, people really hate it when women have opinions

    • @karmAnonymous
      @karmAnonymous Год назад +6

      People really hate it when women.
      There, I haphazardly fixed your sentence for you.
      I'm just teasing 😂 But definitely not joking haha.
      It's crazy because I always stayed out of these kinds of discussions (I'm 27 now) but not only only but in my real everyday life... It's become such a serious & often times DANGEROUS problem... Whether that happens to be physically, financially, emotionally.... Spiritually.... Just a disturbingly increase problem. I don't understand why the patriarchy is so deep seeded that most XY's have regressed to the ability of caring for themselves at the same level as a 2-4 year old. I've WITNESSED this multiple times personally once a woman walks away/leaves the home. Simultaneously these same XY's see us as not even at human level.... It's to twisted 🤦‍♀️
      Of course women collectively have our issues as well, I definitely don't agree with those.. weird feminists. I did some research on feminists & imagine my surprise when I realize that many have completely perverted what feminism started out as. It originally is a respectable, noble even, belief system. I GUESS I can try & see why some have taken it to the extreme & added beliefs that should not belong... From the trauma & feeling/being repressed....
      I still don't think it's right.
      I personally can not hold my head high & have restful sleep at night knowing my intentions are backed with ignorance, malice & HATRED causing me to now be in a TOXIC toxic toxic competition with my fellow human being.... For what? Power? Status? Bragging rights 😂❔
      Like come ON what the hell are we all trying to accomplish here 💀 all I'm seeing is just chaos & madness 👀🤦‍♀️😂

    • @isawhat8712
      @isawhat8712 Год назад +117

      This ☝🏻

    • @Put_down_dem_perkies
      @Put_down_dem_perkies Год назад +186

      Oh ABSOLUTELY! And it's frustrating tbh, people never do this to men

    • @trinaq
      @trinaq Год назад +180

      Preach, it's such a double standard that nobody seems to care if a male celebrity expresses his opinion, even if it's controversial, but if a woman does it, she's immediately demonised.

    • @katherinealvarez9216
      @katherinealvarez9216 Год назад

      They just hate women period.

  • @nicolegulino
    @nicolegulino Год назад +505

    John Greene being confirmed a girls girl was not what i expected out of this.

  • @Nicolesid1
    @Nicolesid1 Год назад +736

    Man did this resonate. I am 1 of 2 women on a team that does tech work for a LARGE company. This year for my annual review, though meeting all my goals and going beyond, I was told I did not deserve a top placing (5 out of 5). I fought it and honestly I'm happy I did. It didn't change the outcome, but it has sparked my higher ups to see I'm not going to do above and beyond if the recognition does not match that.

    • @lovelylanafansweetie4240
      @lovelylanafansweetie4240 Год назад +39

      ❤ that’s great

    • @FlyingFox86
      @FlyingFox86 Год назад +14

      This reminds me of my sister, who was recently told at work that she's earning pretty good money with them. They pay her the absolute legal minimum for that position...

    • @christopherhenderson482
      @christopherhenderson482 Год назад

      Did you call your boss Hitler or go on social media and trash your company's name and say their product/service is garbage? Perhaps you'd like to do that here. I'm sure the business will appreciate it.

    • @roviize9425
      @roviize9425 9 месяцев назад +6

      @christopherhenderson482 mind you, the reason that Megan called him that was bc he was s3xualizing her in numerous scenes when she was only a teen & was body shamed on the set of the Transformers sequel 💀

  • @shiroinamida2002
    @shiroinamida2002 Год назад +177

    it's been a while since I saw a woman get the amount of hate Rachel Zegler is getting. A week ago, I went to see The ballad of birds and snakes with my sister and she told me almost everyone labeled as the worst part of the movie, that she looked unlikeable, her acting wasn't "Lucy Gray enough" and she didn't had any chemistry with the male lead. it was a bunch of lies. she was the best part of that movie, her character was amazing every step and she has the voice of an angel.
    I told my sister that it has to be a hate campaign, 'cause there's no way she gets so criticized.
    It was good to form an opinion on her without all the tabloids tearing her down, she's amazing.

    • @ChanelOberlain
      @ChanelOberlain Год назад +4

      it started when a bunch of racists harassed her for playing snow white and rumors about her snowballed into the media

    • @dreamofsomeepiphany3502
      @dreamofsomeepiphany3502 Год назад +21

      i also went to see the movie with my sister and we had some kids being super obnoxious in the back row. from what they were saying, the hate campaign has spread very far. i agree that she gave a perfectly lovely performance...but we seem to be in the minority here!

    • @wisehippo3072
      @wisehippo3072 Год назад +16

      "She was the best part of that movie". That is your opinion. But somehow you disregard and invalidate other people"s opinions while thinking only your opinion counts.

    • @alyssapinon9670
      @alyssapinon9670 6 месяцев назад +12

      That’s wild. If anything, Rachel Ziegler’s natural unfiltered theater kid energy was perfect for Lucy Gray. People are just finding reasons to hate

    • @chelyvi7466
      @chelyvi7466 3 месяца назад +4

      ​@alyssapinon9670 No, she has given a lot of reasons to despise her. I seriously don't understand how people cant see her true self, she sings well and have a good voice but that applies to A LOT of actresses that deserve much more recognition and of course respect than her.

  • @babewthepower
    @babewthepower Год назад +55

    imagine being a young mcdonald’s fry cook with aspirations to become a pro chef, and then when you express your desire to work somewhere more prestigious ppl are like “but you owe your successes to ronald mcdonald. so ungrateful 🙄”

  • @meagain7669
    @meagain7669 Год назад +1923

    I’m not an American but this video has made me so irritated
    Actors are getting away with rape pedophilia and all kind of sexual crimes but the actresses are getting purposefully crashed only cause some group of people did not like thier choice of words

    • @SlapstickGenius23
      @SlapstickGenius23 Год назад +94

      Sadly dark double standard AF.

    • @SlapstickGenius23
      @SlapstickGenius23 Год назад +20

      Well thank goodness. My dad and I think they’re crap!

    • @vbittencourt
      @vbittencourt Год назад

      @@lareina5790 how long it took to Sheen to be fired? Kevin Spacey is trying to came back, and getting space for it. How long it took to Harvey Weinstein and Bill Bosby to be punished for their crimes? Years, Decades of crimes and destroying woman lives.

    • @aathenaiz6151
      @aathenaiz6151 Год назад +20

      if that makes you angry don’t ever read about the french entertainment industry

    • @tiarezavaleta8850
      @tiarezavaleta8850 Год назад +32

      But there are more than them. Woody Allen and Roman Polanski are fine despite abusing teenagers. They are the ones I always remember but there are more actor, writer and directors than actually DID things and not just said their impopular opinions, and are fine still working in Hollywood.

  • @justatinyhalfling
    @justatinyhalfling Год назад +486

    What I really dislike is that this love/hate binary makes it impossible to actually give nuanced criticism without it being put into the same bin as hateful comments. Everything is blown out of proportion in Hollywood. Where is the room for dialogue in media culture like that?

    • @TheSongwritingCat
      @TheSongwritingCat Год назад +31

      Honestly, there is none. If you have nuanced criticism but you don't want to join in on the pile on, you have to bite your tongue. Because they receive so much disproportionate hate, these actresses become immune from critique in other circles.

    • @justatinyhalfling
      @justatinyhalfling Год назад +32

      @@TheSongwritingCat I understand your Point, but there always hast to be room for factual criticism, there really are no exceptions to this, if you value critical thinking at all. But of course, there is a time and place for such talk, timing and context matter just as much as phrasing and Tone of voice. But there always has to be room for criticism if those factors are accounted for. No single human is or should be beyond reproach.

    • @swish3432
      @swish3432 Год назад +1

      Well no one cares about things that they don’t care about! Come on! Love or hate, it has to be one for someone to care!

    • @twiggledowntown3564
      @twiggledowntown3564 Год назад +4

      It does genuinely exist. Mostly outside of the internet though.

    • @shireads2954
      @shireads2954 Год назад +7

      Men have plenty of room for this. Listen to Henry Cavill talk about Tge Witcher. He loves the source material, and he was really passionate about the project. However, he had to do exactly what Jenna Ortega did and save the writers from really horrible decisions that made no sense for his character. Everybody praises him as a passionate and honest actor who saved the show. But Jenna is an unprofessional harpy who's too big for her britches.

  • @whatalsaid
    @whatalsaid Год назад +1482

    I hate to bring up "The Man" by Taylor Swift, because it's one of my least favorite song from the Lover album, but that song perfectly sums up this whole discourse. Rachel Zegler said she did Shazam because she "needed a Job" and everyone went after her for being ungrateful, but then when Jacob Elordi said the excact same thing for one of his projects, everyone went "Oh, he's so real" or "Such a relatable king"

    • @cristalblackstar8177
      @cristalblackstar8177 Год назад +1

      Play the opressed victim card always work. That is what her PR make her do now. It was all a misunderstood. She is smug and a brat. But she 20,she will learn from this😂😂😂. She is so privilge and so spoiled. That she acts like everyone owns her something.

    • @erikdaniels0n
      @erikdaniels0n Год назад +104

      At the time she was cast in Shazam, she’d filmed West Side Story (I think) but it hadn’t come out yet. Before Spielberg plucked her from absolute obscurity to play María in West Side Story, she was just a theatre kid starring in her high school’s production of Shrek and uploading covers to RUclips. When she was cast in Shazam, the only thing the casting people had to go off was her audition and the Spielberg seal of approval

    • @JuanitoEsBonito
      @JuanitoEsBonito Год назад +279

      People don't realize that when your starting out as an actor a lot of your first few roles are gonna be scraps and easy pickings it takes a LONG time for some to climb up the ladder. Some of the best and most famous actors in the industry right now didn't even have some of their first Big roles until well into their 30s/40s. So Rachel taking whatever she can get really isn't something to call ungrateful it's just surviving in a cut throat business.

    • @y2ktora73
      @y2ktora73 Год назад +130

      The man literally sums up how everyone treats women nowadays 🤦🏾‍♀️

    • @caridadchang7895
      @caridadchang7895 Год назад +130

      Because she was in a project marketed towards boys while he was in one marketed towards girls. The media has no problem with anyone crapping on movies for women but if it is one for men they defend it Even if they don't like it (the movie bombed so I Guess none of the Shazam defenders went to see it)

  • @fcv4616
    @fcv4616 Год назад +62

    I loathe Rachel Zegler’s comments on Snow White being a sexist, controversial film, but I will give her this: it’s not entirely her fault that she interprets the 1937 film as she does. For more than a decade, the media and internet users have relished in deconstructing Disney films with cynical, shallow takes, and they have had a massive influence in the movie industry. Even Disney bought into the trend of mocking its past films with works like Enchanted, Ralph Breaks the Internet, and pretty much every original animated film and remake, by rewriting characters into girl-bosses and ridiculing old Disney tropes. Rachel’s Zegler’s take on Snow White comes from someone who grew up in a time when outlets like Buzzfeed thrived with dumb articles about how anti-feminist the Disney princesses were, yadah yadah. Even though I disagree with Rachel’s views on Snow White, it’s weird how the media hates her for saying things they agreed with not so long ago.

    • @alyssapinon9670
      @alyssapinon9670 6 месяцев назад +8

      I think now that Barbie feminism is popular, those who still believe in 2014 buzzfeed feminism are seen as “behind the curve”. Which is ridiculous to treat feminist theories as fast fashion trends

  • @ccaatthheerriinnee
    @ccaatthheerriinnee Год назад +64

    I’m glad you brought up Robert Pattinson. He’s seemingly getting away with all the sins these women are accused of committing. Actually, he’s celebrated for it.

    • @casperryborg4869
      @casperryborg4869 Год назад +6

      Simply a straight up lie. Pattinson is calling a shit a shit, people agree. When Daniel Craig shows little to no interest in James Bond (or literally says "I would rather smash my fist through a window than play Bond again", the fans got mad and called him out for it.
      Do you want a recent example of an actress that did the same as Pattinson, and the fans once again agree? Dakota Johnson openly states her distain and critisicm for her newest movie "Madam Web", and everyone loves her. Funny enough, the only entity that has a problem with her, is the very studio that made the movie.
      Maybe take your head out of your ass and actually look at what the general person says, instead of picking out those few nice ones that align with your social/political beliefs, you might learn something new for once.

    • @PurpleMoonFlute
      @PurpleMoonFlute 3 месяца назад

      I don't think that's a very good example. Lots of people called out Robert Pattinson for his behavior.

  • @karakreativevlog
    @karakreativevlog Год назад +403

    Whenever I think about Joaquin Phoenix's lazy interviews, Jared Leto's antics on set, or Daniel Day-Lewis method acting so hard he stayed wheelchair bound for months, and then this is stuff the female actors are criticized for? It's so frustrating.

    • @thezplayer3002
      @thezplayer3002 9 месяцев назад +17

      Jared Leto is actually hated by literally everyone

    • @user-jl9ex8qj4s
      @user-jl9ex8qj4s 9 месяцев назад +9

      TBH it's not really the same comparison. Very famous people will can get away with a lot more. A new actor is going to get a lot more scrutiny. If they're blowing up really fast, people will think they were given favors, and expect to act more grateful, whether or not that's actually correct. Joaquin Phoenix is a huge name, so it's more like "can a movie get him on board". Daniel-Day Lewis and Jared Leto's antics were also not as public as interviews, and everyone hates Jared Leto because he's a dick anyways. If anything to do with Zegler's hate is tied to her identity, I think it's more to do with race. Like she says in the video, some people got really pissed at her because they got a Latina actress for Snow White, so they tried their best to dig up dirt.

    • @asy.art2340
      @asy.art2340 7 месяцев назад +2

      ​@user-jl9ex8qj4s well I think now people are overlooking it, and just didn't like how she seems completely ignorant about the story and makes it GIRL BOSSY. Quoting "the main focus of the STORY was love life(bullshit, the focus was Evil Queen trying to KILL her teenage stepdaughter), so we're change that", did she or everyone not think saying buzz words like that would gave a feministic tone, giving away Disney shitty agenda? Main theme is simple: The beauty isn't always out, it's also within. How they gloss over that messaging and wants to see who JUST, is beyond me 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @ClevelandVegan
      @ClevelandVegan 3 месяца назад +2

      I think some male actors do face criticism Jared Leto especially out of the three you mentioned. Joaquin I think usually gets a pass cause at the end of the day he's a good actor and especially after Joker 1 people were willing to hype the guy up or ignore anything he said. I just think with women in Hollywood no matter their previous works or even if their current movie isn't out, people will bash the actress until something new comes along or if the upcoming movie they star in actually turns out to be good despite controversy.

    • @marydidyouknow5826
      @marydidyouknow5826 3 месяца назад

      In a way, yes, though maybe not for what you think. They didn't have to dig up dirt because it's out there for all to see, and when it came to the "race" topic, the problem was that, in a business where European-descended people are shamed for wearing, playing, or even cooking anything having to do with a "minority race", they think nothing of race-swapping European characters. They think nothing of taking stories inspired by our history, in the case of Snow White, a German fairy tale, and taking the role from, say, a German or German-descended actress. Had there not been an unroar at "white" characters playing "POC" roles, most of us probably wouldn't have cared unless, of course, she's described as having skin as "white as snow". It's the hypocrisy. Think of it this way, if it's not ok for a white person to play a historical black person such as Harriet Tubman, why is it ok for a black person to play the role of a historical white person?
      On top of that, she maligned the very fairy tale beloved by so many and what made Disney what it is today and called the prince a literal stalker when he doesn't fit the definition of stalker by any means. Many young people today have completely changed the meaning of words so much that they've lost their meaning.
      She also attacks those she doesn't agree with and even attacked Gal Gadot for supporting her country that's been attacked over and over for thousands of years and who were attacked and murdered from the moment they returned to Israel in 1918, but most people listen to Iran propaganda and don't bother to actually study the history. I mean, the people in Gaza aren't even Palestinian. They share no DNA with the Philistines, who have died out. Philistines is the Roman word for Palestinian. Sadly, many people from Gaza are descendants of people from formerly Christian nations who were captured and forced to convert or die. That's why you will find blondes and red heads among them. There's so much, just so much not being reported by the mainstream media and most people in Hollywood, most people in general, don't look deeper to get an objective view. Anyone who doesn't support the mainstream line is black listed in Hollywood, both male and female. She had literally no reason to attack Gal Gadot for supporting her right to exist.

  • @no.6377
    @no.6377 Год назад +2126

    Holy crap, this has changed my opinion of Will Smith so much. Even if they did have bad blood, that did not justify _publicly_ tarnishing her reputation. He did that in the *90's* knowing damn well how hard it was (and still is) for black actresses. Glad he's got his karma cuz this man has obvious issues he's continued to take out on other people.
    As for Millie, she was a literal child. The way adults felt comfortable bullying this girl for....acting like a child. It's disgusting. The more time passes, the more I realize that people love babies but really do hate children.

    • @Mia_M
      @Mia_M Год назад +121

      He did apologize to her. Doesn't change what happened, but he did sit down with her during the reunion and actually expressed remorse for how he treated her.

    • @hawazennnnn
      @hawazennnnn Год назад +55

      Yes and no. I don't think he should of gone out there and bad mouthed her to the public, I also don't think she should of taken it out on the cast just because she was hormonal and in a DV relationship. Many pregnant women go to work daily, deal with violent partners, multiple stresses in life and don't take it out on co workers.

    • @dcolumbus19
      @dcolumbus19 Год назад +206

      @@Mia_M Too little, too late. Do you know how much work she missed out on these past few decades? Will ruined career

    • @jessicavictoriacarrillo7254
      @jessicavictoriacarrillo7254 Год назад +40

      @@Mia_M True and regarding the Chris Rock thing, she said of Rock "Met him once and that was enough", like she defended Will.

    • @colbystearns5238
      @colbystearns5238 Год назад +34

      I suppose the fallout from slapping Chris Rock was karma for what he did 30 years earlier to Janet Hubert.

  • @Kittykitty77729
    @Kittykitty77729 Год назад +34

    Jenna is just passionate about perfecting her craft. She knows what kind of characters she wants to play and how she wants to portray the characters.

  • @acciousername6776
    @acciousername6776 Год назад +58

    This is SUCH an important conversation to have. I'd like to add Miley Cyrus to this list because of the backlash she got for expressing she has moved on from being Hannah Montana.

    • @svetlanaandrasova6086
      @svetlanaandrasova6086 6 месяцев назад +3

      Not just Montana. Her whole 2013 rebellious era. Men are praised for the same kind of behavior.

    • @marydidyouknow5826
      @marydidyouknow5826 3 месяца назад +2

      @@svetlanaandrasova6086 First, I don't praise men for doing that, and I don't know a single person who does. However, are any of these men former Disney stars with impressionable young fans? And didn't she come out and say that it was a curated image that wasn't really her?

  • @KindaErudite
    @KindaErudite Год назад +903

    I cannot believe a few months after people were hating on Racher Zelger for one bad PR interview, people were going "YAS KING" at Hugh Grant openly hating playing his role in wonka and saying he did it for a paycheck.

    • @NoelleTakestheSky
      @NoelleTakestheSky Год назад +43

      I lose respect for actors who claim this. My respect for Jamie Dornan has been gone since he took the role of Christian Gray claiming he needed to support his kids…by taking the role of a romanticized abuser.

    • @ladisneyprincesse
      @ladisneyprincesse Год назад +42

      She doesn’t have the seniority Hugh Grant has and being an Oompa Loompa is just embarrassing to play when you’re of normal stature!

    • @hilhianahgarces
      @hilhianahgarces Год назад +187

      ​@@NoelleTakestheSkyWhy? Most of us average people clock in to jobs we hate solely for the money. Actors are doing a job for the money. Some actor will always take a bad role for the money. You are being unfair.

    • @universedonut159
      @universedonut159 Год назад +87

      @K.C-2049 A job is a job is what they mean. Most artists don't make a lot ex. actors, singers, writers etc usually aren't paid well, except for a few

    • @user-xh6jk4mi8u
      @user-xh6jk4mi8u Год назад +104

      ⁠​⁠@K.C-2049 the vast majority of actors, even some of the more popular ones, are not making millions per role. The SAG strike happened because of unfair wages. Even Sydney Sweeney, one of the most popular new actresses out, said that she couldn’t afford to turn down a project and that she wasn’t earning as much money as people thought she was. There are doctors, lawyers, and other white collar workers who earn more money a year than most actors. Regardless, at the end of the day acting is still a job and if someone can do their job well, I don’t see anything wrong in them complaining about it or asking for higher pay.

  • @sparksfly6149
    @sparksfly6149 Год назад +280

    The number one red flag for me is when individuals or the media start accusing a woman of "fooling" or manipulating the public. It's a nefarious attempt to undermine her credibility across the board, and paints her and other women as calculating and manipulative; who lie just for the hell of it (apparently).

  • @noneofyobiznizz9516
    @noneofyobiznizz9516 Год назад +992

    The whole thing with Jenna and her 60 year old bully just proves that Hollywood is drowning in misogyny.

    • @swish3432
      @swish3432 Год назад +32

      No, because no one knows that man. Jenna has a fabulous public image and it’s continuing to grow.

    • @twistysunshine
      @twistysunshine Год назад +49

      I mean DeKnight worked for years alongside Joss Whedon, who was known for behind the scenes misogyny, cheating on his wife with actors under him who were also massively younger than him, and being aggressive and sometimes violent with his actors.
      But DeKnight is more worried that a girl might have opinions on his script. Never really said much about Joss that I can find. Like... that makes it super obvious to me

    • @HosCreates
      @HosCreates Год назад +11

      ​I honestly don't believe a sixty-year-old man could write a good script about an edgy Goth teenager.​@@twistysunshine

    • @ty101ty
      @ty101ty 2 месяца назад

      That's bullying? Y'all sound ridiculous. Besides I cannot imagine a Black girl getting away with changing lines on the fly and then bragging about it while criticizing the writing in interviews later on.

  • @bridgetgardner1207
    @bridgetgardner1207 Год назад +13

    Well done! You put a lot of work into this video to tell an important story. Bias and hate always go hand in hand, because when people learn to like and accept themselves, they learn tollerance and acceptance of everyone else.

  • @rel2202
    @rel2202 Год назад +31

    People hate kids for being a kids. It's not only about Millie Bobby Brown, but about kinds and teens. Adults did forget they were kids as well. Kids don't have to behave like an old british gentleman in coma.

    • @esg721
      @esg721 2 месяца назад

      Lmfao I love that last line. You're so right!

  • @constanzaferraro4752
    @constanzaferraro4752 Год назад +187

    As I was watching Wednesday, the love triangle made absolutely no sense to me. In fact, one of the love interests seemed a little too obsesive and i felt akward that it was portrayed in such a normalized way. Imagine my surprise when i found out Jenna was being criticized for speaking out about this! I found myself wishing the series was more and more about Wednesday herself and not about... love?

    • @ireniic
      @ireniic Год назад +17

      1000%. allow women to have stories without any romance in them at all! the show did not need any of that love triangle nonsense.

    • @BreMue
      @BreMue Год назад +1

      I LOVE romance in my tv shows and I personally was not super interested in Wednesday, and even when I found out there was love interests I'm like uhhh.... why though

    • @LowSlungBadBitch
      @LowSlungBadBitch Год назад +1

      I love romance like the other person and usually I won’t watch a show if there’s no romance but I LOVE the Addams family so I was excited to watch Wednesday but I’m really upset with how it’s about romance and not about her. It could’ve been so cool, the Buffy of our generation but no :(

  • @Kevin-rg3yc
    @Kevin-rg3yc Год назад +299

    Gosh thank you for shied it light on Janet Hubert unfortunate situation I always loved will smith but damn what he did to her was just horrible and unfair I’m glad Janet pointed the specific colorism that was attached to her blackbailing bc as you said the 90s black sitcom era was full of light skin woman who were also majority of mixed race.

    • @MicaylaRae22
      @MicaylaRae22 Год назад +4

      I think you meant *for shedding light on Janet Hubert's unfortunate situation.

    • @Kevin-rg3yc
      @Kevin-rg3yc Год назад +3

      @@MicaylaRae22yes bad typo thank you for the correction lol

  • @aelektra
    @aelektra Год назад +555

    throwback to when people criticized rachel zegler for ...... costarring in a movie with ansel elgort that was filmed before allegations were made against him

    • @erikdaniels0n
      @erikdaniels0n Год назад +200

      Or starring in a movie with Zachary Levi after it came out that he’s an antivaxxer. How would girliepop even KNOW that??

    • @sighcantthinkofaname
      @sighcantthinkofaname Год назад +146

      ​@@erikdaniels0n She's also not the one casting these projects!

    • @liliesstarlight
      @liliesstarlight Год назад +72

      that was the around time where I actually found out about rachel zegler, except it was after the allegations came out. God I remember there was a sudden flood of rachel-hate videos flooding my fyp on tiktok with people criticising her decision to work with elgort. I was like "Huh? how is that her fault" because like that was her first ever role too. it would be a whole different story if she was already a successful actress. I literally remember going onto a deep dive to find a concrete reason for her hate and literally found zero good reasons. Instead, it just made me into a fan of her omg I love her personality!!

    • @notthatpoppy
      @notthatpoppy Год назад +78

      and she was a minor during filming! for a movie she had to do intimate scenes with him in! it’s kind of insidious that people seriously wanted to persecute her for this, with zero thought or consideration to how that must feel like for her.

    • @st4rchrry13
      @st4rchrry13 Год назад +57

      its honestly ridiculous how they direct the hate TOWARDS her instead of the actual perpetrator.

  • @maryyy222-z4j
    @maryyy222-z4j Год назад +13

    I will always defend Katherine Heigl. Judd Apatow started making more female driven comedies after her comments on Knocked Up.

  • @junkonatsumizaka5149
    @junkonatsumizaka5149 Год назад +55

    I constantly get called a 'female dog' for standing up for myself, 'argumentative' when I debate illogical things, and 'demanding' when I refuse to take on work that is being handed to me so others can slack off. I deeply appreciate every word you put into videos like these, since if it was a male doing these things, they'd be called much more positive adjectives.

    • @LiteraryChic
      @LiteraryChic Год назад +6

      I was also labeled “argumentative” as a child because I questioned things. I questioned religion and patriarchy and gender roles and politics in my small, rural town and I was seen as “just wanting to start trouble”
      Even when I went to college, and asked for clarification on things (like someone’s stances on abortion or the death penalty, for example), the first thing was a sigh and “why are you so argumentative?”
      Like, bro. You can’t even defend your views from just a mild pushback. And I’m the one in the wrong?

    • @junkonatsumizaka5149
      @junkonatsumizaka5149 Год назад

      @@LiteraryChic I'm glad we can both agree that it's better to question things than to just do what they want.

    • @msk-qp6fn
      @msk-qp6fn Год назад

      Tmi but I was that kid who told people in school to not use the word b*tch or f*ck to address someone or use as an adjective unless they mean to be spiteful. Some listened, some didn't, and the latter either I avoided or they avoided me. It worked for me tbh.

    • @swatik2509
      @swatik2509 Год назад +1

      victim mentality and these kind of victim's dedication of not seeing anyone else is commendable

  • @camillefaith2005
    @camillefaith2005 Год назад +1454

    The double standard is also crazy. Jacob Elordi said basically the same thing if not worse about the Kissing Booth films that Rachel Zegler said about Snow White, but got basically none of the same backlash. And unpopular opinion, but I think Rachel had a point. Of course a film made in 1937 is going to feature some outdated ideas about women and femininity and can and should be updated if we are making a modern adaptation today. And also, yes, acting is a job that should be paid a fair wage just like anything else. (side note: Rachel Zegler absolutely ate as Lucy Gray Baird)

    • @kaveen5931
      @kaveen5931 Год назад +204

      I think that's because snow white is a beloved character and kissing booth is kissing booth

    • @polinalitvina2035
      @polinalitvina2035 Год назад +8

      @@kaveen5931 Yeah - I think a lot of the backlash came from people who love disney and for whom the idea of someone playing a disney princess and not being ride or die about her is shocking, while Kissing Booth doesn't have the same fandom or hype.

    • @camillefaith2005
      @camillefaith2005 Год назад +243

      @@kaveen5931 Regardless, The Kissing Booth was the first big project Jacob Elordi worked on, and you don't see him getting lambasted on the internet for saying he doesn't like those movies and being "ungrateful" like Rachel was for her Snow White takes.

    • @trinaq
      @trinaq Год назад +126

      Agreed, the Double Standards are ridiculously insane. If a man implies that they didn't enjoy working on a certain project, then nobody bats an eyelid. But if a woman implies the same thing, then she's being ungrateful and demanding.

    • @cristalblackstar8177
      @cristalblackstar8177 Год назад +101

      But everyone knows that the KB is stupid movie. He is taking on his own job at the end of the day. Reachel is taking on others people job. That was made a haundred years ego and also become an empire of animation and a world wilde brand. She really was so mean and smug with no reason. Thats shitting on other peoples legacy. When she only have a few roles in hollywood. And the only succes movie was the hunger games precuel. And wasnt even as good as the original movie.

  • @bellyjelly0812
    @bellyjelly0812 Год назад +474

    This whole video I thought of America Ferrara’s Barbie monologue and how it talks often about being “grateful.” It probably rang true even more so for all those women on set who had been in Hollywood for so long and knew that’s how it works

    • @Jellybeansatdusk
      @Jellybeansatdusk Год назад +55

      Yes! Expected to be grateful for the opportunity to be what everyone wants from you and question every thought in your head and word out of your mouth but still grateful for the ability to say anything at all and then get crucified for it no matter what you say

    • @aaausername
      @aaausername Год назад +21

      It's weird too, because at the same time Mattel, well, have sweatshops were they underpay their predominantly female workers, and promote products harmful to the environment etc. yet have this movie. I'm not sure what to think, life is a conundrum.

    • @svetlanaandrasova6086
      @svetlanaandrasova6086 6 месяцев назад

      Or as she says in monologue "if you point something out you are accused of complaining"

    • @EmyN
      @EmyN 3 месяца назад

      I keep thinking about that line too! Must be because we are viewed as if we don’t earn our accomplishments, rather we are handed them

  • @maranzonizonta5826
    @maranzonizonta5826 Год назад +669

    the fact that someone like Mark Wahlberg still has a job, but someone like Rachel, Millie and other young women were hunted down, is just so sad, when will women be finally free

    • @sarahj279
      @sarahj279 Год назад +40

      Or Mel Gibson.....

    • @anhu154
      @anhu154 Год назад +12

      What did Mark Wahlberg do?

    • @LowSlungBadBitch
      @LowSlungBadBitch Год назад +42

      @@anhu154 what didn’t he do 😒

    • @anhu154
      @anhu154 Год назад +20

      @@LowSlungBadBitch I don't know what he did or didn't do, that's why I'm asking

    • @MaraMara89
      @MaraMara89 Год назад +3

      @@anhu154 I went down that rabbit hole ...
      From Wikipedia:
      "Wahlberg was booked to fly on American Airlines Flight 11 on September 11, 2001, but his plans changed the day before and he cancelled his reservation. He received backlash for stating in a 2012 interview, "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did". He added that "there would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry.'" He issued an apology after family members of those killed on the flight expressed outrage"
      "Walhberg has a history of racially motivated attacks starting from when he was a teenager.[12] In June 1986, a 15-year-old Wahlberg and three friends chased after three black children while yelling "Kill the n*****, kill the n*****" and throwing rocks at them.[13] The next day, Wahlberg and the others followed a group of mostly black fourth-graders (including one of the victims from the previous day) taking a field trip on a beach, yelled racial epithets, threw rocks at them, and "summoned other white males who joined" in the harassment.[13][14] In August 1986, civil action was filed against Wahlberg for violating the civil rights of his victims, and Wahlberg and his friends were issued a civil rights injunction which served as a warning that they would be jailed if they committed another hate crime.[15][16][17][18]
      Wahlberg perpetrated another racist assault in April 1988. Then 16, he assaulted a middle-aged Vietnamese-American man on the street, calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit" and knocking him unconscious with a large wooden stick. Later the same day, Wahlberg attacked Johnny Trinh, another Vietnamese-American, punching him in the eye. When Wahlberg was arrested and returned to the scene of the first assault, he told police officers: "I'll tell you now that's the mother-fucker whose head I split open."[19] Later, Wahlberg would explain that he was on PCP at the time.[20] Investigators also noted that Wahlberg "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'gooks' and 'slant-eyed gooks'".[21][22] He was initially arrested for attempted murder.[23] Wahlberg was charged with two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, one count of marijuana possession, and criminal contempt for violating the prior civil rights injunction he received in 1986.[15] He pleaded guilty to felony assault and was sentenced to three months in jail, but served only 45 days of his sentence.[15][21][23] Wahlberg believed he had left the second victim permanently blind in one eye, though Trinh later said that he had lost his eye during the Vietnam War while serving in the South Vietnamese army, which fought alongside American forces.[24][18][21][22]
      In August 1992, Wahlberg fractured the jaw of his neighbor Robert Crehan in an attack.[25] Court documents state that in 1992, Wahlberg, "without provocation or cause, viciously and repeatedly kicked" Crehan in the face, while another man, Derek McCall, held the victim on the ground. Wahlberg's attorney claimed that Wahlberg and McCall, who is black, were provoked after McCall was called a racial slur by Crehan.[26] The lawsuit was settled between the two parties, avoiding a criminal trial."
      Some extra infos from different sources:
      "A year later, the artist known as Marky Mark found himself involved in an admitted brawl, this time with members of Madonna's inner circle. The fight took place at a Los Angeles party, and "The Fighter" actor wound up breaking the nose of an unnamed Maverick Records exec, as Wahlberg recounted to ShortList decades later. There have long been rumors that everything started with Wahlberg making a homophobic comment, though he denied this gay-bashing allegation in a subsequent interview with The Advocate. Wahlberg further claimed that the "Vogue" hitmaker called the police, making efforts to have him blacklisted in Hollywood. But eventually, the whole thing seemed to have just blown over, as he was soon cast in "Renaissance Man."
      "While it's unclear whether Mark Wahlberg was actually guilty of making homophobic comments back in 1994, it wasn't the only time the actor was accused of being less than supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. For example, Us Weekly once reported that he was one of several A-list actors to turn down one of the lead roles in "Brokeback Mountain" - the acclaimed 2005 film's central love story was ultimately portrayed, of course, by Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger.
      "I met with [director] Ang Lee. ... I read 15 pages of the script and got a little creeped out. It was very graphic, descriptive," Wahlberg explained in an interview back in 2007. "... It's just not my deal." But that's not to say he'll turn down every role he's offered in an LGBTQ+ project. Wahlberg played the conservative father of a bullied gay teen son in 2020's "Good Joe Bell," much to the chagrin of several members of the community, allies, and critics alike.
      As the Daily Beast pointed out of Wahlberg's controversial history, "There are still those critics ... who find it obtuse to cast an actor with that past in a movie that memorializes a gay teen's suicide with a message of inclusivity and acceptance." Meanwhile, the New York Post found Wahlberg's casting in what the writer dubbed "Oscar bait" particularly distasteful, hypocritical, and seemingly opportunistic, rhetorically arguing, "Why does the celebrity industrial complex have such a blind spot when it comes to Mark Wahlberg?"
      "Unfortunately, the optics surrounding "Good Joe Bell" wouldn't be the first time Mark Wahlberg was accused of taking advantage of a showbiz situation to further his career. A few years prior to this, he was working on "All the Money in the World," a biographical crime drama about the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III. After principal photography was completed, sexual assault allegations against Kevin Spacey (who initially had a starring role in the film) began to circulate, and it was decided that the bulk of the 2017 movie should be re-shot with Christopher Plummer assuming Spacey's old role.
      Initially, it was reported that the project's other big stars - Wahlberg and Michelle Williams - had agreed to do the eight-day reshoots for free, as they were seemingly eager to distance themselves and the project from Spacey. But then, USA Today revealed that Wahlberg had quietly accepted a $1.5 million check. In comparison, Williams pocketed under $1,000 for her additional work. Understandably, fans were outraged. Wahlberg, some felt, had allegedly taken advantage of the situation to line his own pockets, without telling Williams or moviegoers the full truth".
      "Mark Wahlberg - who's known to have a rather intense diet and exercise routine - has sometimes been accused of helping Hollywood promote unrealistic body standards. Now, to be fair - and as is the case with many actors - his physical composition changes frequently to fit the need of different roles: sometimes, he'll be on the leaner side, and other times, he'll add a ton of muscle to look bulkier.
      But in 2018, an imprisoned steroid dealer named Richard Rodriguez named Wahlberg among his alleged celebrity clients, claiming the actor had actually been achieving these drastic results via illegal steroids Rodriguez sold him. However, Wahlberg swiftly claimed this was all a load of hooey. "All natural, baby," he said of his physique to TMZ, before flexing his bicep for the camera. "That's hard work." Wahlberg also slammed the use of steroids, saying, "Why put yourself and your health at risk when you can work hard and be a good example?"
      The Drug Enforcement Agency opted not to investigate the allegation, but many folks have pointed out that Marky Mark's level of fitness isn't attainable for most, suggesting that the pressure actors face to look a certain way on the big screen has contributed to a culture of negative body perception among boys and men. While Wahlberg is open about the strict regimen he adheres to, Professor John Brewer told BBC News that it was "the high end of extreme," claiming it wouldn't be sustainable in the long-term or even necessary in terms of maintaining health and wellness".
      Source (I cut that, because yt don't like links): https: //www. nickiswift. com/1221294/ why-so-many-people-dislike-mark-wahlberg/

  • @biljam972
    @biljam972 Год назад +50

    People tend to forget that actors are also humans, and they are not their characters. They are allowed to have opinions of their own even if we don't like those opinions. It's their right. Interestingly enough, male actors are never called "ungrateful" or "difficult" whatever they do. I wonder why... Probably because men are allowed much much more to do and say than women, who are expected to be silent, submissive and eternally grateful for everything.

    • @WoodwindBuddies
      @WoodwindBuddies 4 месяца назад +2

      Or they have to be their movie’s/character’s number 1 stan in order to play them

    • @appleheadslatte
      @appleheadslatte 2 месяца назад +1

      good take.

  • @CosmicAmazon
    @CosmicAmazon 9 месяцев назад +22

    There should be a study on how so many actresses have received insane backlash for starring in Disney projects. Every year, there’s another internet hate campaign as soon as they got cast for a role, regardless of they do or didn’t do. Any response or clapback they make results in them being called "ungrateful" or "toxic" while fellow costars and directors rarely defend them, as they don’t want to throw themselves to the wolves. It’s happened to Brie Larson, Daisy Ridley, Kelly Marie Tran, Hallie Bailey, Moses Ingram, and now Rachel Ziegler.
    While it’s not that the characters they played have the best writing. This isn’t surprising as Disney has only two or three types of female characters they copied and pasted on multiples ones nowadays (and not just on Marvel and Star Wars). But it’s not the studio that pays the price for consciously writing different characters the exact same way over and over; it’s the actresses who were just for following the script. And with every new sequel, remake, or mini-series, there’s always gonna be a new target practice.

    • @WoodwindBuddies
      @WoodwindBuddies 4 месяца назад +6

      I can’t wait for the videos in like a decade or so about “were we too mean about x actress” while dunking on a new (usually young) actress for being annoying on the internet (the worst crime I guess).

  • @wickedthing6068
    @wickedthing6068 Год назад +1372

    Rachel Zegler & Millie Bobby Brown’s hate campaigns have been the most vicious. You can’t go anywhere without seeing random people and even kids screaming about hating them because they blinked a certain way.

    • @carterryans
      @carterryans Год назад +121

      Like this is the only safe place where she doesn’t have hate comments like any video with Rachel they’ll spam hate comments like that hate Train is getting old we get it they wanted to be part of a trend but it’s getting way to fsr

    • @finnickity8117
      @finnickity8117 Год назад +3

      They're just the most recent, it was the same for the others at the time

    • @nyx4449
      @nyx4449 Год назад +3

      the world will always be more scrutinizing towards women. that will never change, i personally don't like brown leh zegler that much but i don't really care. im starting to think that most haters are women themselves that's why the guys can get away with it.

    • @tatum635
      @tatum635 Год назад +10

      even on reddit the subreddits will bring her up and drag rachel randomly. she has a big hate train, i feel sorry for how her future movies will do.

    • @jxl4262
      @jxl4262 Год назад +43

      ​@Falconer22 You've just proved their point and clearly didn't watch the video. The amount of hate they receive is objectively disproportionate to anything they've said or done. People act like they attacked puppies and spat on orphans... grow up

  • @janecheshirecatmiau4
    @janecheshirecatmiau4 Год назад +912

    I also think about the hate Brie Larson got when she was cast as Captain Marvel. One reason might have been that it was the first female led Marvel Movie but she was also branded as being unlikeable when she was just having a different sense of humor and stood up for herself.

    • @CosmicAmazon
      @CosmicAmazon Год назад +212

      It all started with a speech she gave regarding the A Wrinkle In Time remake. She stated (with real statistics) that movies featuring &/or made by women &/or POC will less likely be reviewed by critics that are women &/or POC, & that the majority of critics in the industry are white men. In the nutshell, she wanted to "add more seats to the table." This, unfortunately, led to a hate campaign so massive you can’t even look at any media (movies, TV, video games, etc.) without anyone bitterly mentioning Brie Larson or Captain Marvel. Even now, people are praising films like Godzilla Minus One or Wonka just for doing better than The Marvels- despite that they have nothing in common with each other. It’s hard to even say one positive thing about her without somebody shaming you for it.

    • @erikdaniels0n
      @erikdaniels0n Год назад +131

      @@CosmicAmazonthe Marvels was literally set up to fail, and the strikes meaning the couldn’t do promo was the nail in the coffin

    • @CosmicAmazon
      @CosmicAmazon Год назад +81

      @@erikdaniels0n Exactly, which gives the Internet the excuse to relentlessly criticize it just like they still are with the first film. I wouldn’t be surprised if this actually lasts up to a decade.

    • @grimnar6725
      @grimnar6725 Год назад

      Being an openly sexist racist tends to have that effect. ☕🐸

    • Год назад +32

      ​@@erikdaniels0n I know and everyone was calling it a flop before it even came out. It was a self fulfilling prophecy. The only reason I didn't see it was because I only have so much theater money and I was more inclined to see Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, but I'm sure it can't possibly be that bad. Wish too. Early test screens were positive but right now people want to hate Disney so it's "the worst Disney Princess movie ever." I have a feeling it's probably just a normal kids movie. According to brother who saw it he liked it and thought it was fun.

  • @Kevin-rg3yc
    @Kevin-rg3yc Год назад +545

    I never realized the big double standards of Rachel zegler until you pointed out Jacob elordi it’s honestly weird that he can say he only known Elvis through a Disney cartoon and got so much praises for it, bc I know of a actress said she only known a worldwide iconic female music artist through a cartoon she would ripped to shred like Rachel got so much undeserved hate for literally talking about a cartoon character chileee that’s bizarre

  • @evasdorling7555
    @evasdorling7555 Год назад +16

    I find it crazy how the public criticizes actors, mainly women, for choosing roles for the money. Like most, if not all, actors have made movies just for the money. Because they need it or are just starting out or want to start making a name for themselves. Like, please, you live in a fantasy land if you think your favorite character has to be played by actors who have a strong devotion towards it like you do.

  • @NicolasaNicolasa
    @NicolasaNicolasa 3 месяца назад +14

    0:15 i hate what they did to this woman, she was an awesome actresse...

  • @caridadchang7895
    @caridadchang7895 Год назад +494

    For Millie Bobby Brown I think its pretty obvious that fans were upset about her being extremely different from Eleven, something that makes her acting even more impressive given how young she was when she started playing the character
    For Jenna, people forget that a lot of Tim Burton's more recent projects have had lazy writing and been style over substance. I get why the writers werent super happy about her questioning their ideas but given how big of a character any of the Adams is, a second opinion was sorely needed
    As for Rachel, people HATE (and they dont even hide) that all of her projects are MASSIVE projects. Musicals, Disney, DC, Hunger Games; they hate that she hit the ground running and then blame lazily directed movies (Shazam...) On her when she is just doing what the directors say. No one loves Snow White as a character even if the movie has historical value, no actress will be able to make Disney's lack of originality work enough.
    Also the reason no one hated Pattison for hating Twilight, is that it is to this day, fun to hate on Twilight. The fact its marketed towards teen girls is also a factor.

    • @ladisneyprincesse
      @ladisneyprincesse Год назад

      Eleven should have been played by an autistic actor!

    • @kittykittybangbang9367
      @kittykittybangbang9367 Год назад +46

      Another reason I've heard that Rachel is getting so much hate is because corporations are faceless, so people need a face to hate on. And Rachel the face to hate on.

    • @anubis_nico
      @anubis_nico Год назад +34

      I don't like Rachel Zegler because she uses her race as a catch all for the criticism she gets for her roles. She accepted the role of Snow White then turned around and insulted the original movie, her other actors and the morals that the original fairytale as well as the Disney movie teach to young girls. I get that acting is just a job and she's just one cog in the machine but I don't think that exempts her from criticism.

    • @kate___lynch
      @kate___lynch Год назад +52

      i agree, i dont see why people defend Snow White as if her story is flawless, mind-blowing, touching, important, deep, complex or thought-provoking. i genuinely dont see what's so amazing about Snow White to make people so defensive and even enraged! you can stay true to the story for the sake of historical accuracy, sure, but is the original story even worth it?? also, bad remakes of original stories is not a new concept in the business. people hate on shitty stories all the time, what does Rachel have to do with it? she just says what the story is going to be about, and she just happens to agree with the changes, maybe that's why agreed to the role despite hating the original story, i feel like that makes sense? she doesnt call the shots on the script, unlike Jenna Ortega, who is, by the way, HATED for staying true to the original character! i mean, there is literally no way to satisfy people. everyone is ungrateful apparently.

    • @YazminAzul98
      @YazminAzul98 Год назад +20

      Snow White has been my favorite princess since I was a little girl, and I love Rachel as the new Snow White. Have you heard that girl sing? She is Snow White!

  • @Chuuzus
    @Chuuzus Год назад +267

    Janet Hubert really went through it! she was born to play Aunt Viv and they replaced her for a light skin woman who lacked the charisma Janet had as Aunt Viv

    • @sofiasofia-em
      @sofiasofia-em Год назад +53

      Lets maybe not defend a woman by taking down another. It is most definitely not Daphne's fault.

    • @JrueThrondsen
      @JrueThrondsen 8 месяцев назад +4

      She was unfit unlike Hubert. If you are going to replace her. Try to be close.

    • @ty101ty
      @ty101ty 2 месяца назад

      ​@@JrueThrondsenAttacking one Black woman to defend another is pathetic

  • @T_Cup
    @T_Cup Год назад +99

    However anyone feels about these women’s acting skills or personalities, the career sabotage is undeniable. Heigl’s situation in particular still baffles me. She praised Knocked Up so much before making her “ungrateful” comment, a comment she’d made about many female characters earlier in her career. It was so off-hand that, when Heigl saw Rogen at events, she treated him exactly the same. And it was more in defense of Mann’s character than her own, so for Mann to feign ignorance to protect her husband’s fragile ego is pure cowardice. Heigl’s only crime against Shonda Rhimes was sharing an opinion about Grey’s Anatomy almost every fan of the show was already openly in agreement about at the time, so it never made sense to view as controversial or ungrateful - or was the whole fan-base ungrateful? And even when other directors were defending her against “diva behaviour” rumours, their praise was left out in favour of the “loud feminist” narrative they’d assigned her, simply for championing women’s and workers rights. Then she had to apologize? Seems unfair for all the women mentioned here and elsewhere

    • @LiteraryChic
      @LiteraryChic Год назад +10

      I watched Knocked Up with my brother and some other guys. And that scene where Rogen’s character is literally treating her children like dogs and Mann’s character says “is he playing fetch with my child?” I was like, yeah. He sucks. But the guys all rolled their eyes at her and called her a nagging bitch.

    • @T_Cup
      @T_Cup Год назад

      @tabathaalshalhoub1653 Sadly, guys with power, like Rogen, can say "But it's just a joke" to erase any responsibility of how they choose to represent themselves and others - but if women say "Hmm, that was a bit much" they're ungrateful and humourless aka can't take a joke and deserve to have their careers ruined. Imagine if Mann had been the one to say something - she might not have a husband anymore

    • @juliekring7574
      @juliekring7574 Год назад +6

      She also retracted her name after she had won an award over Chandra Wilson and Sandra Oh. Sandra in particular played Christina outstandingly well and frankly better than Heigl played Izzy. It wouldn't surprise me if Heigl withdrew her name out of respect for her castmates, who realistically we passed over because they weren't white/as conventionally attractive as her.

  • @ReyBeltane
    @ReyBeltane 7 месяцев назад +9

    People not understanding Cara's demeanour is just such a US(Hollywood) -v- UK thing to me. I am an American living in the UK and Cara's personality and dryness is the way nearly every British teenage girl talks. Being bubbly or overtly enthusiastic is just not treated or rewarded the same way it is in the US.

  • @yunicelennar7626
    @yunicelennar7626 Год назад +16

    I kove John Greene having Cara’s back. She didn’t deserve any of that poor treatment, and I find it annoying that her being not that animated was being held against her.
    Sometimes we are not animated because that is not our personality. Some we just can’t make ourselves anumated in certain situations or crowds. It shouldn’t be seen as something bad.

  • @bleh3039
    @bleh3039 Год назад +185

    This happened to Monique - she was outspoken about the income discrepancies between male and female actors and ended up getting blackballed in Hollywood for not wanting to do press because she was unhappy with the amount of money she was making

  • @kaeyasfavoriteeyepatch5924
    @kaeyasfavoriteeyepatch5924 Год назад +825

    It's actually insane how much hate Rachel has gotten. After her recent performance in Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, I do think public opinion has shifted a bit more in her favor, but the amount of times I've seen people unable to praise her for that without bringing up how much they dislike her is ridiculous. Videos and posts from that movie or interviews are constantly filled with comments to the effect of: "I REALLY don't like Rachel for what she said about Snow White, but I have to admit she was pretty good here", or "I hate her but she has a nice voice". It's ridiculous and I honestly hope her roles in the future continue to prove how truly talented she is

    • @liliesstarlight
      @liliesstarlight Год назад +158

      oh I am SO GLAD for The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes because before that movie, I swear it was literally so hard to find just interviews of her on RUclips because the moment you search her name up, it is flooded with hate videos people made of her with the edited exaggerated thumbnails calling her cringe, toxic along with misleading video titles. you literally have to scroll pass like eight videos to actually find one video of her doing a promo interview (I literally have screenshots of this). thank God now they have reduced after the release of TBOSAS.
      I wish RUclips will do something about these hate campaigns because time and time again there will be a hate campaign against a woman these drama channels will always pick it up and put some sort of exaggerated edited thumbnail about the woman and it will end up on people's suggested videos and just add fuel to the fire for the clicks.

    • @sierotkamarysia4199
      @sierotkamarysia4199 Год назад

      Most of the people that hate hwr are grow ass men, she’s just enemy of the week, they don’t care, they will bully her and make stupid videos about her failing until they find a new woman to hate

    • @גלעדסוירזנסקי
      @גלעדסוירזנסקי Год назад +52

      I totally agree. She has a beautiful voice but what she was saying and her publicly bashing the character she was playing was in bad taste. I loved her on West Side Story and I'm not a great Hunger Games fan so I don't know if I'll watch it

    • @charlottexx2638
      @charlottexx2638 Год назад +83

      Hm, I loved her in Songbirds and Snakes, but as a German I felt her interview about Schneewitchen was offending to a lot of us, because Snow White is deeply rooted in our culture and it felt like she has zero respect for it. I would never say that I hate her, but what she said definitly made her no friends here. I hope she doesn‘t trash it again in future interviews. If she hates this fairytale so much, why star in it? Btw I also thought it was very sad that they didn‘t include some German elements. I thought Disney strived to be more culturally diverse…

    • @ladisneyprincesse
      @ladisneyprincesse Год назад +6

      Only in The Hunger Games she fits cause she’s not a princess but a femme fatale type! She should be going for those roles instead of princesses!

  • @lilysflower9685
    @lilysflower9685 Год назад +198

    I feel bad for all these women, but especially Janet Hubert and Constance Wu, considering Constance is an Asian woman and people expect her to be all the East Asian girl stereotype:cute, shy and weak, so when she actually states her opinion, people(mostly racist people) have a problem with that. And Janet Hubert can’t express her feelings without people shutting her down because black women don’t have feelings, why should we believe her when she states she’s in pain/is struggling? Nope, they just want to label her as the difficult black lady and want her to suck it up😒

  • @emilyg9883
    @emilyg9883 Год назад +13

    It really crushes me that Rachel Zegler has been ripped apart by the media and trolls. I have been subscribed to her on youtube since she was 17 (I'm the same age, 22 now), and she's never been anything but kind to her fans even when she barely had any subscribers. She's always been super honest with her followers on youtube: posting videos about her mental health, check-ins, Q & A's along with her singing videos. If you look at her old videos, she doesn't get any hate. She was so grateful and enthusiastic when she got the role of Maria in West Side Story (2021). She wasn't even 18 yet when she scored the role. She was right out of highschool and was a nobody. She did a life-update not too long ago and the comments are just so disgusting. Nobody deserves death threats for a few offhand comments and Hollywood rumors. Nobody deserves death threats, period. I am happy that she is getting these roles. It didn't really seem that out of context what she said about Snow White when only a few years ago Emma Watson refused to even wear a corset for Beauty and the Beast, citing it was "unsafe" and sexist. And honestly, fine! I loved the Beauty and the Beast live-action. Let these women be. As for the others--Millie Bobby Brown, Jenna Ortega, Sydney Sweeney--none of them deserve this either. With the rise of social media, these women have been exposed far more than any star in the past. It's sickening when they are villianized and despised when there are directors, producers, other actors who legitimately should be "cancelled" or charged for literal crimes. Rant over. Supported women support women!

  • @amparonarbona5142
    @amparonarbona5142 13 дней назад +5

    I’m not a fan of some of these actresses, but it really bothers me how many men in the industry (whom I won’t mention here, but you can imagine) get away with serious crimes, yet people still support them. Meanwhile, this women say something that people may not agree on, and everybody loses their minds. This video is such a breath of fresh air!

  • @Itsbritneybatch
    @Itsbritneybatch Год назад +407

    I wasn’t the only one who was mad when Janet Hubert was replaced right? 😭😭

    • @Alsomnia
      @Alsomnia Год назад +61

      Nope. Most fans, like myself, consider Janet Hubert as THE Aunt Viv.

    • @trinaq
      @trinaq Год назад +29

      Nope, Daphne Maxwell Reid was alright as the replacement, but Janet will always be the definitive Aunt Viv.

    • @MMLynnmarie
      @MMLynnmarie Год назад +10

      I wasn't mad. Just shocked. Unpopular opinion she probably was really difficult because she was pregnant. Think the show did her a disservice by not being more understanding.

    • @NoelleTakestheSky
      @NoelleTakestheSky Год назад +7

      Janet Hubert was amazing. Daphne would have been fine if she’d been cast first, but unfortunately for her, Janet was cast first and laid the foundation for this kick-ass character, and that just wasn’t Daphne’s vibe.

    • @janaekelis
      @janaekelis Год назад +3

      she was the better one, they switched her out and i would forget the new aunt viv was even there. total 180 of her character

  • @izzyc127
    @izzyc127 Год назад +677

    Honestly no one attacks Harrison Ford for dragging the Star wars franchise by telling him he should be grateful that it gave him a career but when it comes to Rachel Zegler, they love to act like she committed an arson and robbery. 😒
    EDIT: as someone who has been in the stranger things fandom since middle school you aren’t wrong about Millie Bobby brown treated as the worst in the stranger things fandom because she deserved better. With the way she was the victim of horrible rumors of being homophobic, I thought that wasn’t funny and I’m saying this as a straight person who supports the LGBT community. The joke wasn’t funny back then, it isn’t funny now.

    • @lovelylanafansweetie4240
      @lovelylanafansweetie4240 Год назад +74

      There’s also many male actors with personalities similar to Rachel and if they were women oh the public would hate them so much it’s so sad 😞

    • @grimnar6725
      @grimnar6725 Год назад +26

      Harrison Ford has been great. Your example might have made more sense had you said William Shatner. That guy owes everything in his life to star trek and he obviously has disdain for it. Whereas Harrison Ford was successful in the business before star wars. And continued to be after it.

    • @izzyc127
      @izzyc127 Год назад +11

      @@grimnar6725 now that you brought it up, I have heard convention horror stories on how William Shatner is at meet and greets.

    • @grimnar6725
      @grimnar6725 Год назад

      @@izzyc127 he's a total dick lol. And a great rebuttal to the idea that it's just actresses who are branded ungrateful. Alot of people dislike him for his ungrateful attitude. He's just a much bigger part of a pop culture phenomenon that kept him employed than say, Katherine Heigl was.

    • @britneybritney
      @britneybritney Год назад +1

      Harrison Ford is a respected actor that has been in the industry for decades. Rachel is a nobody with a nasty attitude

  • @chelseaf.3352
    @chelseaf.3352 Год назад +124

    Every year society picks a random woman out of a hat to start throwing stones at. I hate it

    • @kittykittybangbang9367
      @kittykittybangbang9367 Год назад +7

      They're society's witches

    • @JrueThrondsen
      @JrueThrondsen 8 месяцев назад +1

      Yup. Can't stand it.

    • @WoodwindBuddies
      @WoodwindBuddies 4 месяца назад

      Can’t wait for videos about how we were so mean to x actress/famous woman while the next young actress/famous woman gets dunked on for making a cringey joke or something dumb like that.

    • @marydidyouknow5826
      @marydidyouknow5826 3 месяца назад

      So, we all do it?

  • @ishathakor
    @ishathakor 2 дня назад +3

    people literally cannot stand it when women know their own value and have their own opinions

  • @kynslayer
    @kynslayer Год назад +51

    Rachel Zegler's journey from that headline about Spielberg casting an "unknown 17-year-old" to people throwing shade at her name now is just crazy. I mean, have you seen her in Spielberg's movie? Lead actress for a debut? INSANE. And ever since then she's been bagging roles in DC, Hunger Games, and Disney-she's owning it all.
    Her track record in these big titles in such a short time is pure proof of her insane talent. She's like this industry angel, and it's baffling why people are tossing negativity her way. And trust me, the amount of hate I witnessed she's got over these short amount of time from the general public are VICIOUS. It's killing me for her to still be so kind in around social media (or even still being active in social media). She really is strong for all of that. Not just killing it on screen but off-screen, too- the sweetest person ever. Not to mention the fuss about Snow White's ethnicity is just so fucking Lame. It's simply valid because her ethnicity doesn't help a single bit about the storyline. She CAN be latina and be Snow White at the same time. Plus the role is fitting for her capabilities. People need to chill and appreciate a woman's success without the bitterness, but unfortunately, they cant. LMFAO

    • @stvk99
      @stvk99 Год назад +5

      how do you know she's the sweetest ever? and no, Snow White can't be Latina. maybe a pale Latina but there's not that many of those. she's not Snow Brown or Snow Yellow.

    • @kynslayer
      @kynslayer Год назад +14

      @@stvk99 she's always active on social media, always interacting with her fans every chance she gets. after all negativity she receives, she just proceeds to spreading positivity. idk if you've seen her performances, but she got that snow white role for a reason. its a win, i dont think any person could've done it better. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @lala-4458
      @lala-4458 Год назад +5

      ​@@stvk99are you not aware theres white latinas

    • @ReiAnikaAyanami
      @ReiAnikaAyanami Год назад +4

      ​@@stvk99"snow yellow"? yikes, i just know you don't have anyone who loves you.

    • @stvk99
      @stvk99 Год назад +3

      @@ReiAnikaAyanami ok? if you're trigerred from someone describing a skin tone as yellow you're too fragile for this world and especially the internet.

  • @wickedthing6068
    @wickedthing6068 Год назад +121

    Kristen Stewart would have lost her career if she said any of the things Robert Pattinson said.

    • @AllThatJazz707
      @AllThatJazz707 Год назад +1

      She also went through a period where audiences hatred her because they found her too mean or boring. I remember when there were memes about her never smiling. There was an even a joke on Glee where a character says her parents think she seems like a total bitch.

  • @MJ-98
    @MJ-98 Год назад +80

    Imagine criticizing a 12 year old for acting like a child.
    Generally, I'm noticing that the public doesn't seem to think that female actresses are capable of, you know, acting (which includes knowing your character and how they might act) or when writing decisions don't make sense.
    Also, with Constance Wu: people complain about hating their jobs all the time. Constance Wu was doing the same, but for some reason, she isn't allowed to do that or not want to return to a place of danger (sexual harassment) to her.

    • @HosCreates
      @HosCreates Год назад +3

      It's really unfair to Constance that's she had to work in a unsafe work environment and got flack for wanting to be done with the show. 6 seasons is enough..

  • @Patchouliprince
    @Patchouliprince Год назад +192

    I really sympathize with these actresses! I’m autistic and people VERY OFTEN misinterpret me as being disrespectful or aggressive because I’m very blunt and awkward (aka autistic!) and it’s one of the worst feelings when people so drastically misunderstand you! I can’t imagine how awful it would feel x10000

    • @suoutubez19
      @suoutubez19 Год назад +17

      omg i love my autistic friends! i love how honest and blunt you are and how there’s no manipulation or passive aggressive bullshit to filter through ❤

    • @swish3432
      @swish3432 Год назад +5

      Well there’s a difference between being seen as being disrespectful or aggressive bc you don’t understand what you’re doing and being seen that way bc you understand but just don’t care…

    • @Patchouliprince
      @Patchouliprince Год назад +26

      @@swish3432 Your statement is correct but who gets to decide what someone else is feeling and thinking? Even when I insist I don’t understand people still perceive me as trying to start problem, because they just decide I was feeling and thinking a certain way, even when I wasn’t

    • @Patchouliprince
      @Patchouliprince Год назад +7

      @@suoutubez19 thank you for taking a moment to spread kindness

    • @Hi-jw7oq
      @Hi-jw7oq Год назад

      Actresses whole jobs are to be charming and likeable though.

  • @JuliaH-c6f
    @JuliaH-c6f 7 месяцев назад +8

    I've heard rumors and have seen memes claiming Millie Bobbie Brown is homophobic and rude in real life. She had to delete her social media account once. Not only are people calling her ungrateful and annoying, people are spreading possibly false rumors about her. People on the Internet can be heartless and quick to hate. People can be so blind. Do they not realize we're being played? Do they realize that they're blind?

  • @alyssa6156
    @alyssa6156 Год назад +10

    I always remember one interview I read where MBB said she used to be way more outgoing and carefree, but then in her mid-teens she started having panic attacks that were/are directly related to all the comments and hate she got online. I just feel SO bad for her because not only does she get unnecessary hate and scrutiny, but she’s had to deal with being sexualized starting from such a young age. Like, sure, maybe she’s rich and out-of-touch, but she deserves so much better 💔

  • @MichaelChong100
    @MichaelChong100 Год назад +75

    If men do it, they are consider cool and so many people will came to defend them (Jacob Elordi is a recent example), if women do it, she will get attack and harass, saying she's being unprofessional.

    • @mylifeondrugs542
      @mylifeondrugs542 Год назад

      Not exactly, there are guys getting harassed and attack in some cases too.. Hell you even have a lot of them getting memed on because of some of the stuff they say in interviews and on social media. My point is that it isn't seen as big D energy when a guy does it, you're getting looks left and right just as a girl would.

    • @JrueThrondsen
      @JrueThrondsen 8 месяцев назад +3

      Different era same crap.

    • @marydidyouknow5826
      @marydidyouknow5826 3 месяца назад +1

      That's a major generalization. Are you saying all men who do this are considered cool while all women are considered unprofessional? It's just a blanket thing?

  • @rachelhansen2417
    @rachelhansen2417 Год назад +121

    I worry for Millie. She was exploited by a much older man who she was dating while still a minor.

  • @UnstableYT-u7k
    @UnstableYT-u7k Год назад +101

    All actors and actresses put in so much effort to provide us with a good movie or TV show and they deserve all the recognition. But a lot of people like to throw shade and antagonize many of them for their own enjoyment.

  • @spicywaffle_
    @spicywaffle_ 6 дней назад +4

    28:05 calling a literal child immature is WILD

  • @BaronHumbertvonGikkingen
    @BaronHumbertvonGikkingen Год назад +27

    The backlash against Katherine Heigl & Rachel Zegler in particular still annoy me bc they're both right!!! They can accept jobs bc they need to work while also thinking critically about those projects without it being a 'slight' to the house of mouse / seth fucking rogan

  • @persephonestudy
    @persephonestudy Год назад +75

    Heigl's critics to Knocked Up it's nothing compared to the analysis of female characters in media now days. Seriously, I don't understand men who say women are exaggerated and then do things like this.

    • @JrueThrondsen
      @JrueThrondsen 8 месяцев назад

      Men celebrities sleep with children and marry them. Not listening to them.

  • @mynameisreallycool1
    @mynameisreallycool1 Год назад +134

    I just find it insane how the internet spent an entire decade roasting and making fun of the Snow White movie for being unprogressive and problematic, but now that Rachel points it out, suddenly everyone loves the original movie's story and is offended on its behalf? Also, if they're upset that Disney changed the story, why are they trying to cancel Rachel for it? She didn't write the movie. She just said that this is how the new movie will go.

    • @JrueThrondsen
      @JrueThrondsen 8 месяцев назад +3

      Adults suck.

    • @nolamonahan8764
      @nolamonahan8764 5 месяцев назад +3

      Imo I did not like the fact she was so sexist towards her costar playing the prince calling him a stalker . When in the story the seven men are the ones who take him to find her . Ask him to kiss her in order to save her. Yea it's weird however if they would have made a movie about snow white and then just wrote her part out of the movie something tells me she would be the first to call them out for sexism .

    • @WoodwindBuddies
      @WoodwindBuddies 4 месяца назад

      @@nolamonahan8764it’s a thing I noticed with Snow White. She got sidelined by the dwarves so quickly. I remember watching the movie as a kid, and whenever the dwarves were doing their thing, I was like wtf get back to Snow White.
      I guess I was too spoiled by the Renaissance movies where their leading ladies are actually the main characters.

    • @marydidyouknow5826
      @marydidyouknow5826 3 месяца назад

      No, it's not everyone. Many roasted the film, and those same people are the ones that are standing with Rachel's comments and supporting her, but those who have always defended the movie are getting focused upon so people will click on the articles about these horrible, awful people who just think people haven't looked at the film with critical thinking. I don't know why people are equating one group with opinions with another group who has the opposite opinion and just thinking they are the same group, or worse, that EVERYONE thinks this way until a person they don't like thinks this way and then they change. Sure, there are people, or even political parties, that do that, but people don't generally do that unless they are easily manipulated.

  • @meaganwillcott3177
    @meaganwillcott3177 Год назад +396

    the majority of those harassing Rachel Zegler for her comments about Snow White are misogynistic men who have never willingly watched a Disney princess movie a day in their lives. They just made it their personal vendetta to be mad at "woke" Disney, we saw the same thing with The Little Mermaid.

    • @qrqdx
      @qrqdx Год назад +100

      The number of grown adults over 25 coming out as die hard purist fans of a 1937 Disney Princess movie the moment a young Latina actress has said that some aspects of it are outdated, is… fascinating.

    • @cristalblackstar8177
      @cristalblackstar8177 Год назад +10

      ​@@qrqdxshe is NOT latina.

    • @nativenewyorker3144
      @nativenewyorker3144 Год назад +33

      @@cristalblackstar8177girl what…? 💀

    • @erikdaniels0n
      @erikdaniels0n Год назад +42

      @@cristalblackstar8177she’s mixed/biracial. She’s part Latina, part European

    • @katherinealvarez9216
      @katherinealvarez9216 Год назад +5

      Plus, apparently certain Star Wars fans have it out for her.

  • @adelinewaight
    @adelinewaight Год назад +4

    The did Kathrine dirty. She was crucified for her comments on the writing of Greys, and over the last 5 or so years the same fans that nailed her up are bitching that the shows writing sucks. She was proud of her show/role and she didn’t think the writing was up to the level it should have been.

  • @oomay1925
    @oomay1925 Год назад +5

    if only male actors who has committed actual crimes, being genuinely aggressive, and actually said and done bigoted and harmful things, would get the fraction of the anger that women get for simply being women who don't a weird agenda.

  • @grimziiie
    @grimziiie Год назад +102

    it is actually terrifying to see how easy it is to put down women who decide to be themselves and express opinions

  • @futuristicgirl14
    @futuristicgirl14 Год назад +124

    also Hollywood tends to oversaturate the market with certain actors and then everyone gets tired of them more quickly. Usually this annoyance is directed at women actors like Jenna Ortega, Jennifer Laurence, MBB, etc. The only man that suffers from this is Chris Pratt but it could also be bc his acting is mid at best.

    • @ajustice
      @ajustice Год назад +27

      Even with Chris Pratt though a lot of the backlash was towards his speculated political views. Towards the actresses it was just because people got bored of them or whatever.

    • @NoelleTakestheSky
      @NoelleTakestheSky Год назад

      Chris Pratt’s acting is fine-he takes roles where all that’s required is having fun. But he’s a shitty, awful person with very bigoted views.

    • @LowSlungBadBitch
      @LowSlungBadBitch Год назад +4

      Chris Pratt is a little weird.

    • @ReiAnikaAyanami
      @ReiAnikaAyanami Год назад +1

      ​@@LowSlungBadBitch"a little" 😭 understatement of the year

    • @Lulu_Loves_Sheep
      @Lulu_Loves_Sheep 5 месяцев назад

      @@LowSlungBadBitch I like him as Starlord, however when I was talking about him with my mum, she said he gave her "zealot vibes". Which I didn't understand. I've heard a little bit about the drama between him and his ex-wife, but if anyone could tell me what could have been what my mom meant by "zealot vibes", I'd appreciate that.

  • @mmps18
    @mmps18 Год назад +366

    I truly have no idea why there's so much vitriol thrown at Rachel Zegler. It's so bonkers and it's undeserved.

    • @britneybritney
      @britneybritney Год назад +38

      You really don’t know? Lmao

    • @esunadeluna
      @esunadeluna Год назад +37

      She deserves the backlash

    • @NoelleTakestheSky
      @NoelleTakestheSky Год назад +42

      Statements impugning the contributions of another actor in the movie, admitting to signing on for a role of a character she actively hates (“but what about Robert Pattinson”…well, unlike Rachel, who had decades of stuff to go on, Pattinson signed on to Twilight when there was comparatively little to go on and his big anti-stance came after Meyer started creeping on him), showing her incredibly lack of understanding the story like claiming the prince is a stalker and that Snow White, whose motivation is to one day find love, is outdated (wanting love is a universal human experience and will NEV ER be outdated), expecting to be paid for every moment that pictures of her in “an iconic princess dress” exist online since she thinks she’s entitled, bitching about not getting invited to the Oscars during a covid year when many A-listers involved in nominated movies weren’t even invited until they finally invited her to present, which forced production to halt for a week, to get her to shut up about it, etc…just to start…is all undeserved?

    • @TheInternetsFairy
      @TheInternetsFairy Год назад +108

      @@NoelleTakestheSkygirl go find a hobby… sad 😂

    • @nilotinner2377
      @nilotinner2377 Год назад

      You deserve another working brain, the video literally explains how ridiculous and obsessive you guys sound. @@esunadeluna

  • @PlantBasedBride
    @PlantBasedBride Год назад +11

    Reneé Rapp seems to be the next one being queued up for the “ungrateful” edit, and I feel so bad for her (and every woman who has to deal with this sexist narrative). I truly believe jealousy is a huge factor in this phenomenon. If a woman has a job most people could only dream of, she’s not allowed to talk about or even acknowledge that any difficulties exist.

    • Год назад


    • @beethovensfidelio
      @beethovensfidelio 11 месяцев назадée Rapp played Regina George in the 2024 movie musical “Mean Girls”.

    • @WoodwindBuddies
      @WoodwindBuddies 4 месяца назад

      I’m anticipating videos in the next decade or so asking “were we too mean about x actress” while the next actress is getting hate for the same reasons. We will never learn.

  • @BelaSkriva
    @BelaSkriva Год назад +8

    I feel sorry for Rachel Ziegler. It is Disney who should be blamed for the decisions that they have made.

  • @iri02802
    @iri02802 Год назад +26

    24:06 I am glad that Delivigne's co-star and John Green defended her.